Our Stairs Basket System
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Our Stairs Basket System

As you know, our home is neurodivergent. We have two adults a six year old and an infant with a combination of ADHD, autism and anxiety. Even with all of the stuff that I have done to help reduce the clutter in our house, we somehow still end up accruing a lot of clutter. So one of the things that I have done to combat the clutter is having a basket system in place on our stairs. Don't know what a basket system is? Stick around and I'll explain it.

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Duvet Hacks Everyone Needs
DIY, Home Emily Bylund DIY, Home Emily Bylund

Duvet Hacks Everyone Needs

Duvets can be frustrating. There are multiple steps to get them set up, sharing with a partner can be a nightmare and they always seem to end up in a puddle inside the cover at the bottom of your bed. However, I have a few tips that are going to make having/using a duvet a breeze.

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Family Emergency Kit
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Family Emergency Kit

We live in a part of the country that has a lot of tornadoes, and three years ago there was a massive tornado that tore through our area. I've always been taught to have emergency kits for my family, but that tornado really solidified that need for me. Now, I try to be really vigilant about going through our kits every year to make sure they're up to date and we don't have anything that needs to be replaced. This year we have a new little person in our house, so I figured I'd take you along in the process of changing out our old ones while also making a new one. Let's get started!

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Forever File Box
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Forever File Box

I know I'm not the only one who struggles to keep track of my kids important papers, so my team and I have come up with a new download I think you are going to LOVE. It's a place to keep every important thing for your kids (or you!) and its called The Forever File Box. I've given you everything you need and all you have to do is grab the supplies and put it together. Let me show you how it works!

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Summer Tile Mat Ideas
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Summer Tile Mat Ideas

I’m back again with more tile mat content! I have 4 new summer themed tile mats for you as well as tips on how I organize my loose tiles.

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How to Refresh Wrought Iron Furniture
DIY, Home Emily Bylund DIY, Home Emily Bylund

How to Refresh Wrought Iron Furniture

Let's talk about refreshing wrought iron furniture. If you keep it outside, it will inevitably end up looking really dirty and gross even though it's probably still in really good shape. We refreshed two sets of my mom's wrought iron furniture: one set she has had for over 30 years and the other set came with the house when she bought it in 2020. Let me take you along for the process!

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A Quick & Inexpensive Way to Upgrade Your Sconces
DIY, Home Emily Bylund DIY, Home Emily Bylund

A Quick & Inexpensive Way to Upgrade Your Sconces

We had builder grade sconces that came with our house and I really didn't like them. I decided to go to Lowe's to look for upgrade options. I found that they have these sconces you can buy on their own without having to replace the entire light fixture. Let me show you what I did.

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The Ever Evolving Desk
DIY, Home Emily Bylund DIY, Home Emily Bylund

The Ever Evolving Desk

In 2016, I took on one of my very first DIY projects. I turned my grandfather's old work desk into something completely new. I had a family friend who is a woodworking pro help me carefully take the desk apart, strip it and then paint it. I ended up with two end tables and a kitchen table. The desk stayed that way until 2020 when we moved into the house we live in now. Since then, I have transformed it a few more times. Let me show you the transformations this one desk has gone through!

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How to Make a Channel Headboard
DIY, Home Emily Bylund DIY, Home Emily Bylund

How to Make a Channel Headboard

I recently turned our third floor into the nursery, but when we first moved into the house it was our guest room. We had a bed frame, but no headboard. I wanted to make the room look a little more put together without buying a whole new bed frame so I decided to make a channel headboard.

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Turning Our Storage Closet Under the Stairs Into A Play Closet
DIY, Home Emily Bylund DIY, Home Emily Bylund

Turning Our Storage Closet Under the Stairs Into A Play Closet

If you have been here a while, you'll know that we added a closet under the stairs in our house a few years ago. For some reason the builder didn't and it was a total waste of space. It has been my tool closet since we built it and has worked well. However, I don't need it as my tool closet anymore because I have workbenches now. It has unfortunately become a dumping ground. I haven't even able to go into because it's so full of random stuff! It's time to clean it out and make it a much more functional space in time for baby to get here.

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Tips for Decluttering Toys
DIY, Home Emily Bylund DIY, Home Emily Bylund

Tips for Decluttering Toys

A few posts back I talked about how I organized the entertainment center. I did a lot of decluttering in the process and I promised I would go over how I declutter toys in our neurodivergent home. These tips might not work for everyone, but they work really well for our family. Let's get started!

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