Putting Together The Autism Binder
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Putting Together The Autism Binder

So my seven year old is autistic, and when she was going through the process of being diagnosed, a family member recommended that I start putting everything together in a file. The file included her evaluation, anything I was concerned about, her IEP, etc. and that turned into this binder. Each year I add to the binder, and it's time to do that now. I need to add the stuff from this year into the binder, also get a new binder. So while I'm reworking the whole thing I figured that I could show you everything that goes into this as well as all of the supplies that you need, including the $5 download that I created that makes putting it together a breeze.

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Closing Out the School Year Using the Forever File Box
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Closing Out the School Year Using the Forever File Box

If you're anything like me, you probably have a stack of papers from throughout your child's school year that you don't know what you're going to do with. You also probably need to figure out what you're going to do with all of those papers. I'm going to show you the Forever File Box, which is something that my team and I created that makes it super easy to keep track of everything for your kids throughout their childhood. For our family the general rule is if it doesn't fit in the box, it doesn't get kept. This makes it easy to consolidate what's being kept each year.

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Home Binder Series
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Home Binder Series

It's been a little while, so let's update my home binder. If you are new here, this is a binder I created that keeps all of the important documents for my house in one place. So, if I were to move out of this house and leave all of the appliances, built-ins, etc, I could just hand this binder to the new buyer and they would have everything they need in one spot.

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DIY Builds and Their Downloads
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DIY Builds and Their Downloads

I've built quite a few things in the last few years, and I actually have build plans for a lot of them! So, I wanted to show you my process when I'm building a project and then go over the downloads for them.

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Home Organization Downloads
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Home Organization Downloads

It's the start of the new year which comes which for me comes with the urge to purge, organize and simplify my life. Let's talk about the home organization downloads. I have six different ones on my site and I've designed them all to help make your life a little bit easier.

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Tableros de Actividades Ahora Disponibles en Español
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Tableros de Actividades Ahora Disponibles en Español

Este es un tablón de actividades totalmente personalizado a cada uno de tus hijos donde ellos pueden ver qué van a hacer durante el día en la mañana, en la tarde y en la noche para ellos poder ejercer un poco de control sobre el día de ellos. Ahí tú les puedes demostrar qué es lo que tienen que hacer en las mañanas, en las tardes y en las noches, dependiendo de visitas médicas, actividades de visitar a los abuelos, ir a los acuarios y demás.

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Social Stories to Prep for the New School Year
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Social Stories to Prep for the New School Year

It's back to school time which means your kids are either already back in school or about to start school very soon and for those of use with neurodivergent kids, the changes that come with the new school year can be hard. So, I wanted to remind you that there are some social stories that I've made that are available for download including a new one, which is specifically about going back to school, that I think will be really helpful during this time.

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New Home Binders
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New Home Binders

Last year, I released The Home Binder download, which gives an outline and sections on how to create your own home binder. For those of you that are not familiar with the home binder, this tool gives you a place to put all of the information you need about your home. It includes your floor plan, flooring details, light fixtures, appliances, etc. That way, whenever you need to go back to reference, fix, or update something, you have all that information in one place. It's also a really great thing to pass on to the next owner of your house. Well, after a lot of feedback, I have now created three additional binders based off of the HomeBinder. We have the HomeBinder Volume 2, the Apartment Binder, and the Life Binder Volume 2. So, I'm going to give you a quick run-down on each of the new binders.

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Forever File Box
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Forever File Box

I know I'm not the only one who struggles to keep track of my kids important papers, so my team and I have come up with a new download I think you are going to LOVE. It's a place to keep every important thing for your kids (or you!) and its called The Forever File Box. I've given you everything you need and all you have to do is grab the supplies and put it together. Let me show you how it works!

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Packing List + Free Download
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Packing List + Free Download

When I first shared my neurodivergent travel tips, I had a lot of people ask me about packing. For some reason, packing causes me a great bit of anxiety. You would think it would be the opposite considering I have been packing and traveling internationally since the age of five, but that's just how my anxiety works. Despite my anxiety, at this point I'm a pro at packing well and packing light. I famously took just a tiny carry-on and a purse for 10 days in Europe. I wanted to share my tips and tricks with you so you can pack like a pro as well!

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