Closing Out the School Year Using the Forever File Box

If you're anything like me, you probably have a stack of papers from your child's school year you don't know what you're going to do with. You also probably need to figure out what you're going to do with all of those papers. I'm going to show you the Forever File Box, which is something that my team and I created that makes it super easy to keep track of everything for your kids throughout their childhood. For our family, the general rule is if it doesn't fit in the box, it doesn't get kept. This makes it easy to consolidate what's being kept each year.

Closing Out the School Year Using the Forever File Box | What’s in the Box

The forever file box is going to give you a space to put everything from prenatal through 12th grade for your child. I've also included some additional folders in the back for funny things they've said, cards, awards, things like that. I really like keeping all of the birthday cards Jackie has gotten over the years as well as her old dress boards so we can go back and see what she used to wear, and how they've progressed over time.

This year, I think I'm going to have to go through and purge what's in the preschool and kindergarten folders before moving on to her first grade folder. I keep old social stories in there as well just so we can refer back to them if we need to. My priorities are awards, information about her class and her teachers and any major projects done throughout the year. I also like to put big wins from the year, like when she had a really good spelling test and we held on to that one. I also keep all of her report cards in here as well and so we can go back and reference them if we need to. I'm glad I organized it because it turns out there was stuff from different years in here so I was able to organize them into their appropriate folders. There was also a lot of stuff I could have just gotten rid of when I first put it in the folder. I have a system if it is just a random drawing she did, it has to go. A major art project that took a lot of time I will keep.

The download for the Forever File Box is only $5 in the shop. It would make a really great gift for a new mom, or a really great organizational tool for anyone, especially someone with multiple kids. I like to enforce the rule of if it doesn't fit in the box, it doesn't stay. It just makes everything so much more compact and you really have to stick to that rule for everything to stay in the box.

If you want to make your own Forever File Box you'll need the download, a bunch of hanging files and the blank tabs that come with the hanging files You will need to use 2-3 packs of hanging files for the Forever File Box to get enough folders for each year. The labels you need all come in the download so you don't have to worry about labeling anything.

I promise, you won’t regret making your own Forever File Box for each child in your life. It is so nice to have everything I need for my kids in one place that’s easily accessible.


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