Refinishing Antique Dressers
I've had this set of dressers my entire life. They belonged to my grandparents on my dad’s side. I love the quality and the sentimental value of them, but they just really aren’t my style. However, after years of my dad telling me he didn't want me to change anything about them, he finally agreed to let me do something with them. So, now I get to update them to fit the esthetic of my home a little more.

Cookie Garland for the Holidays
Something I started doing in the last few years that my mom has always done is a Christmas cookie garland. My mom always did it over a doorway so she could see it often. Last year with the sudden passing of my Oma (grandmother in German) my mom wasn’t really feeling up to putting any of her decorations up. However, she’s always told me how much she loves it, and I know my Oma loved the tradition. So, I helped her put it up in the perfect spot around the window in the kitchen so she could see it from the whole kitchen, and I know it made her feel better through her grief.

Play Table & Benches Build + Build Plans
On the last blog post I talked about the play kitchen we got Jackie for Christmas last year. It’s so cute and functional for the space, but having tea parties on the floor wasn’t going to cut it. So, what goes perfectly with an adorable built in play kitchen? A custom play table dining set with enough seats for all of her “girls” (her dolls)! When I asked Jackie what she wanted, she requested a table with soft benches instead of chairs. So I gathered my supplies and got started.

Jackie’s Play Kitchen Space
For Christmas of last year (2021) we got our daughter an adorable play kitchen from Teamson. I got it for a great deal and it was shipped to us before Thanksgiving, so I had it in plenty of time for Christmas. When we decided that we were going to put it in her room I knew that I wanted it to be more built in. I did this for a few reasons. First, I didn't want it stick out from the wall. Second, I wanted to have confidence that it would be secure and finally I didn’t want the random stuff that kids inevitably have to get stuck behind it.

Tile Mat Design Ideas for the Holidays
I have found that my followers seem to be really big fans of my tile mat content. Which I get, this mat is amazing! Since I’m now decorating for Christmas I decided to give you some ideas of designs for Christmas with your tile mat too.

Under Bar Shelves
We have a 9 ft. long bar in our kitchen. Our house doesn’t have a lot of storage, so the bar just became a place for clutter to live. Every time I looked at it I just got frustrated because I couldn’t stay on top of the clutter, so I decided to do something about it. I did a poll on Instagram asking my followers if I should add shelves or leave it as is. I was unanimously told that I should not touch the bar, BUT if you know me you know that if I have my mind set on something, I go for it. I decided that my family lives here so I'm going to do what's best for our family and our house to function. So I got to work!

Project Plans for Nursery/Guest Room
Right now there is a lot of stuff in this space. Our TV, TV consul, couch, desk, guest bed, night stands, mini fridge, microwave and 2 dressers are all in this space. It’s a big space so it’s not terribly crowded but there is still a lot going on. I mentioned in my post earlier this week that the TV and couch will be going downstairs. So that frees up space for the nursery area, which I will talk about next.

Project Plans for New Family Room
I mentioned in the Baby Announcement post that we are going to have to change two of the floors in our house around to accommodate this new baby. The third floor, which is the smallest floor, is going to be the nursery. I will talk more about that later this week! Since that space will be the nursery, that means that the TV, toys & couch will all have to go somewhere else in the house. I always intended on moving all of that to the main floor once we had a need for that third floor for a baby. So I have been thinking about this since we moved in back in 2020. You can see what the space looks like right now in the picture above. You can see that there is a couch, coffee table, 2 chairs and some instruments in this space. I do have a plan for all of it, I promise!

Small Desk Build + Download Build Plans
Earlier this week, I talked about Creating the Primary Bedroom Of Your Dreams. When I was painting our bedroom I decided that I really wanted to change The Husband's desk. I wanted something that better fit the clean lines and aesthetic of the room, so I broke out the saw and the pile of scrap wood I have (this is why I love saving scrap wood!) and went to work.

DIY Pumpkin Wreaths
If you have been here for a while, you’ll know that I don’t love orange in my fall decor. So, I’m always looking for options that are more in my color wheelhouse. Last year I created a pumpkin wreath that I loved with pink, burgundy and white pumpkins that I hung in Jackie’s room. This year, I wanted to recreate that pumpkin wreath and hang it in my room. I found these adorable pink pumpkins again this year at Home Goods.