Tableros de Actividades Ahora Disponibles en Español
ADD/Autism, Download Emily Bylund ADD/Autism, Download Emily Bylund

Tableros de Actividades Ahora Disponibles en Español

Este es un tablón de actividades totalmente personalizado a cada uno de tus hijos donde ellos pueden ver qué van a hacer durante el día en la mañana, en la tarde y en la noche para ellos poder ejercer un poco de control sobre el día de ellos. Ahí tú les puedes demostrar qué es lo que tienen que hacer en las mañanas, en las tardes y en las noches, dependiendo de visitas médicas, actividades de visitar a los abuelos, ir a los acuarios y demás.

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ADD/Autism Emily Bylund ADD/Autism Emily Bylund


l often talk about ADHD and autism together because that is the world my family lives in. I have ADHD and my daughter is autistic. I did a Q&A with the common questions I get asked so I wanted to share that with you. Generally, an autism or ADHD diagnosis is hard to get. The process, the doctors, and the barriers in place make isn't easy to go through. My hope is to share our experiences to provide information to others who are in the process, starting the process or thinking about the process while also giving realistic expectations!

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ADHD Accommodations I Use
ADD/Autism Emily Bylund ADD/Autism Emily Bylund

ADHD Accommodations I Use

I've had my ADHD diagnosis for more than half of my life. With that, I've had a lot of trial and error in determining things that help me succeed with my ADHD. So, let's talk about the 13 main accommodations I use that help to make my life easier.

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How We Prep for the New School Year
ADD/Autism Emily Bylund ADD/Autism Emily Bylund

How We Prep for the New School Year

The new school year can be hard. There are so many changes with new teachers, new routines, new friends and new experiences. It is so exciting but all of the changes can be hard for kids. So today I'm sharing the five things that we do to help the transition back into school go a little more smoothly.

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Our Experience with ARFID
ADD/Autism Emily Bylund ADD/Autism Emily Bylund

Our Experience with ARFID

I always thought Jackie was a picky eater, but when she was 3.5 she was diagnosed Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder or ARFID. I learned that her "picky eating" was actually much more than that.

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Visual Schedule
ADD/Autism, Download Emily Bylund ADD/Autism, Download Emily Bylund

Visual Schedule

After Jackie was diagnosed as autistic, one of the things I learned that was really helpful for her was having a visual scheduled board. It was something they used in her special education preschool class that was really helpful for her. Once COVID hit and I was teaching her at home, I knew it would be beneficial for us to use one around the house as well. So I decided to put one together myself.

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Autism Binder
ADD/Autism, Download Emily Bylund ADD/Autism, Download Emily Bylund

Autism Binder

When I shared my binder organization system a few years ago, I also shared the autism/medical binder I created for Jackie. At that time, a lot of the overwhelming response I got was: I wish my parents had done something like this for me and then given it to me when I graduated! Combine that feedback with conversations I've had with other parents I knew, I wanted to create something universal that had all of the information someone with a new diagnosis would need in one place.

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A Bed Box for Bedtime Anxiety
ADD/Autism Emily Bylund ADD/Autism Emily Bylund

A Bed Box for Bedtime Anxiety

We've had a hard time with Jackie staying in her room at night or wanting me to stay in her room with her until she falls asleep. One of the members of our therapy team came up with the idea of giving her a bed box full of activities and toys she was only able to have if she stayed in her room without me. I gathered a bunch of special items together and put them in a bedtime only box for her. Let me show you what's in her current bed box!

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ADHD & Pregnancy
ADD/Autism, Pregnancy Emily Bylund ADD/Autism, Pregnancy Emily Bylund

ADHD & Pregnancy

Now that baby brother is here, I wanted to talk about ADHD in pregnancy. In my previous pregnancy with Jackie, I stopped taking my stimulants as soon as I found out I was pregnant. This pregnancy, I stayed on my medication the entire time so I have experience with both ends of the spectrum. Lets get into it!

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