ADHD & Pregnancy
ADD/Autism, Pregnancy Emily Bylund ADD/Autism, Pregnancy Emily Bylund

ADHD & Pregnancy

Now that baby brother is here, I wanted to talk about ADHD in pregnancy. In my previous pregnancy with Jackie, I stopped taking my stimulants as soon as I found out I was pregnant. This pregnancy, I stayed on my medication the entire time so I have experience with both ends of the spectrum. Lets get into it!

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Baby Items I Bought for Baby #2
Baby, Pregnancy Emily Bylund Baby, Pregnancy Emily Bylund

Baby Items I Bought for Baby #2

With a new baby comes a lot of new purchases. Since the last time we had a baby was almost 6 years ago there are so many new baby items that have come out that I’m SO excited to try! So let’s do a round up of the new things that I have already bought, am planning to buy, have been gifted, and have registered for.

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