Third Trimester Update

Third Trimester Update

I want to share my Third Trimester Update with you. Things have remained very uneventful but I am so ready for her to get here!

How Far Along:39 weeks. I am seriously counting down the minutes until her due date at this point.

Food Cravings:I think I have been craving chocolate milkshakes and french fries the most this trimester. Anything with chocolate in it has sounded great, which is funny because I couldn't stand anything sweet until about half way through my 2nd trimester!

Baby Gender: Still a little girl!

Baby Name: We have been sharing the baby name with family and friends but I am keeping her name off the Internet until she gets here.

Baby Movement: She has always been a mover. feel like I have gone through phases when it comes to how I feel about her movement. At the beginning of this trimester, I stopped sleeping and her movement was just another thing keeping me awake. As we get closer to her due date, I love spending time just sitting and feeling her move around.

Sleep: Sadly my streak of sleeping really well came to an end as the third trimester starter. I haven't been able to sleep more than 3-4 hours at a time and it usually takes a long time to fall asleep. I also ended up getting a really bad cold around 28 weeks that lasted 10 days. I had a bad cough, so bad we thought I might have pneumonia. Luckily I didn't but it made sleeping even more difficult. I wake up most mornings around 4:30 am and usually don't go back to sleep until about 7:30. 

Maternity Clothes:Most of the tops I bought, I have still be able to wear. However, once I hit about 32 weeks, I was really limited when it came to bottoms! I didn't buy any more maternity clothes this trimester though, I tried to work with what I already had. I will be posting more about my favorite 3rd trimester clothes on Wednesday.

Weight Gain:I have gained 30 pounds. I am really happy with my weight gain but I am excited to start working out again and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

What I’ve Purchased:I feel like I bought a lot of odds and ends this trimester. We did buy a few books, mostly Spanish books. We were also given a very large gift card to Amazon as a gift so I bought the 4moms mamaroo. I can't wait to see what baby girl thinks about this. From what I have read, babies either love it or hate it. Hopefully baby girl will love it. I also discovered Amazon Fresh this trimester. I LOVE it! I will be doing an entire post about it in the next month or so, so keep an eye out for that!

Third Trimester Update


Favorite Third Trimester Clothes


What I Put On My Baby Registry