FAQs About Our Time in Buenos Aires
 Hi, if you're new here, my name is Emily. I have ADHD, but normally I'm a DIYer and I focus on creating usable spaces for my neurodivergent family. I say usually because for the second half of 2024, my family lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina. So I want to talk about some frequently asked questions I got while we were in Argentina. Just wait, there are some interesting ones.

Things I Will & Won't Miss About Living in Buenos Aires
I can't believe our time in Buenos Aires is almost up! There are so many things that I will miss about our time here, but also many things I'll be happy to have again once I'm back in the States. I figured I would make a comprehensive list of them for you!

A Penguin Excursion at El Pedral
We went to Patagonia for our very last short trip before we move back to the US. While we were there, we went on a penguin excursion and it was incredible!

Our Trip to Patagonia
My daughter is obsessed with penguins and one of her dreams is to see them up close. I knew that our last trip while we are here needed to be special so I booked a trip and we headed out, so come with us to explore in Patagonia!

My Favorite Places to Shop in Buenos Aires
Let's talk about my favorite places to shop in Buenos Aires! This is going to be a mix of both malls and markets that I have fallen in love with.

My Must Go To Places in Buenos Aires
As our time in Buenos Aires is coming to an end, I wanted to do a comprehensive list of our must go places in Buenos Aires so you know where to go when you visit here too!

Train Trip Social Story
As the ADHD mom of an autistic child, I have made it my mission to make social stories that are neuro-affirming and focused on the viewpoint of the child that needs them, rather than how the child is impacting people around them. Currently, I'm working on transportation social stories. So far I've got airplane and ferry boat and now train! I'm gonna walk you through how I put this together, what it looks like on the inside, and how we use it.

Eating Gluten Free in Buenos Aires
I think one of the biggest things I will miss about Buenos Aires is the gluten free accessibility here. Compared to the US it is unmatched! I've been blown away by how incredible the gluten free options are in Buenos Aires and the quality of the food. So here is a list of my absolutely favorite gluten free stops in the city.

Family Friendly Activities in Buenos Aires
I'm an American mom that's been living in Buenos Aires since June of 2024. I have two kids and we've spent a lot of time finding fun activities that we can do with the kids that my husband and I enjoy as well. I wanted to share with you the list we have complied so you know what fun things to do first when you visit Buenos Aires.

How I Used the Apartment Binder in Buenos Aires
Hi, I'm Emily and I have ADHD. One of my most helpful coping mechanisms to combat my ADHD is keeping things organized. If you've been following me for a while, you know that I created a Home Binder back in 2020 when we moved into our house. I shared it on the internet and it went viral, you guys loved it! I had people constantly asking me to sell a version of it, so I created one and have a download for it on my site. Since then I also had people asking about apartment versions of it. When we lived in apartments, I had versions of this to keep myself organized, so I created the Apartment Binder. The problem was when I created it, I didn't then have a way to use it because I wasn't living in an apartment. Well, we have been living in an apartment in Argentina since June so I've been able to put the Apartment Binder to the test while we've been here. Since I now have first hand experience with it I figured I would walk you through how to set it up.

The Best Playgrounds in Buenos Aires
Let's talk about the best playgrounds in Buenos Aires! I am an American mom who's lived in Buenos Aires since June of 2024. I have two kids and I've spent a lot of my time going to many of the parks in Buenos Aires, and so I have complied a list of the best parks to go to.

DIY Ornament Garland
Have you ever seen a Christmas ornament that you love and wish there was a garland to go with it? Well, let's make a really fast DIY ornament garland so that you won't ever have that problem.