My Favorite DIY Jigs


A jig is something you use to help make a DIY task easier. I use them a lot and want to recommend the best to you too! I'm really going to focus on the jigs I have personally used because I have hands on experience with them. So, let's talk about my favorite tool jigs I use for my DIY projects.

My Favorite DIY Jigs | Kreg Pocket Hole Jig

First up is the Kreg pocket hole jig. I have used the simpler version they have of this, and it's great for when you're first starting out on a DIY journey. However, if you are doing a lot of big projects and you need to use pocket holes frequently, I would highly recommend getting this upgraded/larger version because it makes doing pocket holes in quick succession so easy because the board locks into place. It doesn't matter the width of the board and you have the pocket holes already lined up. As an added bonus you can vacuum out the sawdust as you go. It's awesome!

My Favorite DIY Jigs | Kreg Pin Hole Shelf Jig

Next up is the Kreg pin hole shelf jig. This is great for when you are drilling those holes for an adjustable shelf. All you have to do is drill one hole and then there is a pin that you place and it keeps the whole thing in the right position so you can drill the rest of the holes and everything is lined up perfectly. You don't have to worry about measuring anything, and you also don't have to worry about it slipping. This is also really nice if you don't want to drill holes on an entire board and only want them in a certain section. It makes it so much easier.

My Favorite DIY Jigs | Joint Mate Dowel Hole Jig

The Joint Mate dowel hole jig is so great. I actually had someone suggest I start using dowels for my joinery instead of pocket holes, and I was really intimidated by that until I found this jig because again, it lines everything up perfectly. You don't have to worry about messing anything up. I use it all the time to join boards together. It's probably my most frequently used jig, other than my cutting jigs.

My Favorite DIY Jigs | Cutting Jigs

Speaking of cutting jigs, I have two different ones and they're both from Kreg. The first one is adjustable and will go all the way up to eight feet long and can adjust down to much, much smaller than that. It's great for cutting plywood if you don't have a table saw, which I don't. I've justified not having a table saw because I have this jig. It ensures that I cut straight and it's really easy to use.

The other cutting guide I have is also a Kreg and has measurements on it. My circular saw attaches directly to it, which means cutting the same measurement multiple times is really fast and really easy.

I have done in depth blog posts on every single one of these, so you can go back and look at those if you want more in-depth tutorials. I have also linked all of these jigs below. Hopefully you can get your hands on a few and make your DIY process easier in the future!

My Favorite DIY Jigs | Shop


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