The Home Binder + Download

In 2021, I shared my home binder on TikTok and it went viral. When we moved into our home, I decided I wanted a way to keep track of all the information about our house including the information we got from the builder when we bought the house, the warranty details, appliance information, etc. I did this for my own reference, but also so any future owners of the house would have the information too. I loved how it turned out so I created a digital download so anyone could make a home binder. This binder has worksheets with all of the information you can input about your home, along with detailed instructions on how to find the information, because I know a lot of people don't have that. I wanted to make this process as simple and easy as possible for anybody who wanted to create their own home binder.

The Home Binder + Download | What’s in the Home Binder

First, let’s go over what I have in each section of my home binder. In the house detail section, the majority of the information was provided to us by our builder. However, you can find these things out on your own and I give you step-by-step instructions in the digital download. I also added the floor plan for my house (if this was not provided to you, you can get it through your local records office).

I have the manufacture numbers for all of the light fixtures throughout our house. This was originally provided by our builder, but I have updated it since I've done projects in our house. A lot of painting professionals suggested I needed to include the brand and color of paint used throughout the house, so I’ve added that after I’ve painted rooms in our house.

I have the information for all of our appliances such as the codes assigned to these by the manufacturers and any warranty information about them. I did the same thing for our countertops, sinks and plumbing fixtures. I included all of the information for the hardware on our stairs and all of the information for our flooring, as well as all the tile throughout the house and the doors and trim.

Next up is the compliance section. This is where I put anything and everything our builder left us that showed what passed inspection versus what didn't, and how they fixed it during the build process. In the laundry room and kitchen sections, I have the manuals for the washer and the dryer, the fridge, stove, dishwasher, etc. The manuals for the appliances that will stay in the house when we move stay in this section and I will take any manuals to appliances that we take with us. I keep the manuals for the HVAC systems in the HVAC section. Last, anything I can’t hole punch or doesn't have a specific home goes in the pockets.

The Home Binder | Making Your Own

Now, let's set up your Breezing Through home binder. Once you receive your download, print it out, and gather your supplies. You're going to need a binder, a whole punch, some dividers, and the download. To get started, you're going to make your sections. I have sections for house details, home warranty, closing documents, laundry room, kitchen, compliance and HVAC, but you can customize it to fit your needs.

Once you have these sections all printed you’re going to hole punch your pages. I like to use file folders as my dividers, so I cut them in half and use the side with the tab. You can actually use the sections page I gave you as your labels for the dividers. Cut them all out and then glue them onto the tabs of the dividers in your binder, you should have roughly eight sections in your binder. Now, take the pages you hole punched and add them to each section. Whole punch any manuals and add them and use the pockets on the side of the binder to store anything that can’t be hole punched.

I've used this home binder as a reference a lot, and it'll be something I can pass on to the next homeowner so they have all the information about the house too. It feels so reassuring to have everything I need for the house organized into one place. Hopefully you will get as much use out of it as I have! You can find the digital download in the shop section of the site under home binder.

The Home Binder + Download | Shop


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