2022 Recap

As 2022 comes to a close, I’ve taken some time to think about all I’ve accomplished this year. I’ve had a lot of growth, a lot of learning, a lot of change and a lot of excitement. I’m really proud of myself for completing these projects and making my home a space I absolutely love as well as transforming spaces in different family members’ homes. So, with that, lets look through my projects from this year!

2022 Recap | January - May

First project was the storage closet off of our deck. It was horribly designed. It’s a really long and pretty tight closet with very minimal storage. Because of that, everything was just thrown in there making most things pretty inaccessible. To make it more functional, I added a bunch of shelves on the back side, hanging hooks and large shelves that fit storage containers stretching down the closet. It made it SO much better. The space is now functional, organized and I can easily get to the things I need.

Then I tackled Jackie’s room. I secured her new play kitchen to the wall and added more shelving. I made an entire play kitchen set up by making a custom table and plush benches for her room. She loves it and has used it for many tea parties. I realized her little bookshelf in her room wasn't cutting it, so I built her these beautiful pink built-ins that match her bathroom. She loves being able to decorate it and reach all of her books. I also painted stools to match each of our bathrooms so they look cute and custom.

I redesigned my dad's closet. It turns out closet redesign has become kind of a hidden talent I  didn’t realize I had! I  love the immediate gratification that comes from redesigning a closet space. For my dad’s closet, I took some stuff out he wasn't using and gave him more storage in places where he needed it.

We then took an amazing trip to Mexico. This was both Jackie and my husband's first big international trip and it was magical to see her explore new places. I’ve always loved travel, particularly international travel, but I’ve been nervous to take my neurodivergent child out of the country. This trip was amazing and gave me the confidence to know we can take more trips like this with our little family in the future.

2022 Recap | June - December

After we got back, I finished updating our primary bedroom. I built a custom desk for my husband, painted the entire room dark green, and added a new fan. I started on redoing our master bedroom closet. I only had three days to do this, so I did not get as far as I wanted to, but I will be coming back to this in the new year.

We celebrated my daughter and the amazing progress she’s made with a special banquet and fundraising gala with her as the star of the show. I redid a work space in my parents' garage and built myself some rolling workbenches, which I use all the time. After learning so much more this year, I felt confident enough to go back to the shelves in my parents loft bedroom (they were admittedly not my best work) and turned them into an amazing custom closet and window seat.

I refinished my grandparents' old dressers into something a little bit more modern and perfect for a nursery, because we also announced that I’m pregnant with a baby boy! I made some awesome drawer organizers for both myself and my mom and reorganized the work benches because they were an absolute disaster and I added a battery and charging station.

I started redoing our first floor in preparation for the new baby. We got a new table, chairs and bench for our dining area, and I added custom built in cabinets from Lily Ann Cabinets. Last, but definitely not least, I transformed an unused and unorganized bonus room in my aunt and uncle’s house with another beautiful set of custom cabinets from Lily Ann Cabinets into a functional space my aunt and uncle absolutely love.

That's it for 2022. I am so proud of all that I’ve done this year and I can't wait to show you what I have in store for 2023. Happy New Year!


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