The Home Binder + Download
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The Home Binder + Download

In 2021, I shared my home binder on TikTok and it went viral. When we moved into our home, I decided I wanted a way to keep track of all the information about our house including the information that we got from the builder when we bought the house, the warranty details, appliance information, etc. I did this for my own reference, but also so any future owners of the house would have the information too. I loved how it turned out so I ended up creating a digital download so that anyone could make a home binder. This binder has worksheets with all of the information that you can input about your home, along with detailed instructions on how to find the information, because I know a lot of people don't have that. I wanted to make this process as simple and easy as possible for anybody who wanted to create their own home binder.

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