Home Organization Downloads

It's the start of the new year which comes which for me comes with the urge to purge, organize and simplify my life. Let's talk about the home organization downloads. I have six different ones on my site and I've designed them all to help make your life a little bit easier.

Home Organization Downloads | Clothing Choice Boards

The first download one is clothing choice boards. This is something I created for my daughter who is autistic to help her with getting dressed in the mornings. Having a visual representation of her clothes was really helpful for her and helped with her anxiety in the morning with getting dressed. I've also found for me, it actually really helps me keep track of what she has and what she needs, since I update it constantly based on what fits and the season. This is something anyone can use regardless of age because it's so customizable. I have two versions of this available both in pink and green to customize it to your loved one.

Home Organization Downloads | Forever File Box

The next download we call the Forever File Box. If you're someone that likes to keep treasures your kids make or memories from your kids, this is going to be for you. This has the ability for you to keep your kid’s important documents organized with sections for things like health records and important documents as well as sections for every grade from preschool until 12th grade. I have a rule that if it doesn't fit in the box, we don't keep it so I don't feel pressure to keep every single preschool craft project. It's so convenient to have things organized easily for you AND for your kids to take when they leave the house.

Home Organization Downloads | Home Binder Vol. 1/Rental Binder

The next download is the home binder. The original home binder, which went viral on TikTok, is where I keep all the information about my house from paint colors to manuals to contact information for contractors. Basically, I could give this to the next owner and it would be really helpful for them. I also made a renter friendly version of this. It's called the apartment binder and it has different sections in it based on renting and leasing needs.

Home Organization Downloads | Home Binder Vol. 2

Then there's the home binder volume two. This is where I keep all of the things that I would take with me if I were to move from this house. This includes manuals and warranties for appliances that would leave the house with me or kids products that would also leave the house with me.

Home Organization Downloads | Life Binder

The last download is the life binder and while it's technically called a "binder", I have it set up as a filing system in my house. This is going to help keep all your documents organized. Everything you need for your car, apartment lease or your mortgage, health insurance, home insurance, bank statements, all that kind of stuff is in one easily accessible and organized space.

These downloads make a huge difference in keeping me organized and I hope they'll help you in the new year to get organized too. Here's to 2024!


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