Forever File Box

When our son was first born, my cousin and mom came and cleaned the house for us a few times. A month or so later, I was frantically searching the house for his birth certificate and called my cousin in a panic wondering if she knew where it ended up. She calmly reminded me she put all of the important papers into his Forever File box. I was SO grateful to know his important documents were in one place and have continued putting everything promptly into the box so I know where it is all of the time.

I know I'm not the only one who struggles to keep track of my kids important papers, so my team and I have come up with a new download I think you are going to LOVE. It's a place to keep every important thing for your kids (or you!) and its called The Forever File Box. I've given you everything you need and all you have to do is grab the supplies and put it together. Let me show you how it works!

Forever File Box | Assembly

I've given you 30 tabs to section everything off, including a paper to label the box with your child's name on it. I've done both a green version and a pink version, so you can color code for each child you have or mix and match. Since there are 30 sections, you're going to need 30 hanging files and 30 little plastic tabs to put in the files for labeling. The section headers I've created all fit perfectly in those little plastic section things, which means you don't have to worry about trial and error formatting, just print and cut!

After you get everything printed and cut out, you're going to put label on each hanging file folder. I went in a diagonal pattern when I put these into the files; it's just really soothing for me. You can do whatever is most aesthetically pleasing for you. I gave you sections for Prenatal, Hospital, Newborn, First Year, Ages 1-3, Preschool, and every K-12 school year after that. Then there are files for Medical, Important Documents, Awards, Certificates, Activities, Sports, Funny Things, Cards and Other. I think the Funny Things section is my favorite part. I've put a little worksheet in there that has a bunch of lines for you to keep track of funny things your kids say and do.

Now it's super easy to have all of your kids' stuff in one place. I'm not one that is good at doing baby books or scrapbooks, so this is much easier for me. I can easily access stuff things, I can keep sentimental items and I can help my daughter decide what stuff she's going to keep. If it doesn't fit in the box, then we can't keep it. I  love reducing clutter! I have set up one for my son and am now in the process of setting one up one for my daughter. Hers is going to be a little bit more time intensive, because she's older and therefore has a lot more stuff, but I can't wait to have hers done as well. You can find the download in the digital downloads shop and shop the links to everything else below.

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Forever File Box Download


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