Valentine’s Day Tile Mat Ideas

Every time I post about my front door tile mat from Letterfolk it seems to get more and more love! If you've been around for the cleaning the tile mat saga, you know my white tile mat has gotten damaged by the sun and it just doesn't look the same. When Letterfolk did a special 50% off discount on the black tile mat when they were on The View, I grabbed one to replace my white one. Today, I have a few Valentine’s Day tile mat ideas I want to share with you that you can add to your Valentine’s Day decor.

Valentine’s Day Tile Mat Ideas | Three Color Hearts

For the first design, I'm going with three different color hearts. For this design I used 39 Cinnamon, 39 Raspberry Sorbet, and 26 Cherry Blossom tiles. I love that this design is very cute, simple and subtle.

Valentine’s Day Tile Mat Ideas | Pink Love

For this next design, I'm just going to spell out the word love. I’m using 62 Raspberry Sorbet tiles. I really like how much this color pop against the black tile mat. It is really pretty and I think it'll do much better on my front porch than the white one!

Valentine’s Day Tile Mat Ideas | I Heart You

For design number three I’m going to do another phrase. I'm using 25 Fog tiles and 60 Raspberry Sorbet tiles. Yes, I like to use raspberry sorbet! It is a really pretty color, and I have a lot of it.

Valentine’s Day Tile Mat Ideas | Candy Hearts

For the fourth and final design I've come up with for Valentine's Day, I'm using 26 Raspberry Sorbet tiles, 26 Cinnamon tiles, 26 Sunflower tiles, 26 Aqua Lagoon tiles, 26 Lilac tiles, 26 Spring Green tiles, and 26 Sugar Plum tiles. This design is probably my favorite. I love how colorful, vibrant and cheerful it is. It just makes me happy! That’s it for Valentine’s tile mat ideas. Stay tuned for more tile mat ideas for spring!


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