Side Yard Plans


We don't have much of a yard, but we do have a little side yard between our house and our next door neighbor's house. Currently, it is full of mulch and our daughter hates mulch. After a lot of back and forth with our HOA, I finally got approval to do create a new updated space. Let's talk about it!

Side Yard Plans | Play House

For the first step in the process, I wanted to add some furniture and a cute playhouse. I want this space to be fun and somewhere we can all enjoy as a family. I worked with our landscaping company to have them remove all of the plants so I would have a clean slate to work with. I got a cute playhouse, but I knew my daughter would not love the colors. I got some outdoor paint from Sherwin Williams to customize it. I used "Pure White" for the base color and then "Pink for All" for the pink trim. I used both of these in their Emerald Exterior Acrylic Latex Line, which is great for outdoor stuff. It painted really well which was really surprising. I used two coats of the pure white and then two coats of the pink on the trim. The thing I really like about this playhouse is it is the width of a typical playhouse but not as deep so it takes up less space. It fits much better in a smaller space.

It was pretty easy to assemble and then I decided to add just a little pop of something extra in the little flower boxes in the front. I used little styrofoam rectangles, cut them and put a mix of pink and white plastic flowers in them. Plastic flowers are important because if you use silk, they won't last out in the rain. I put those in the flower boxes, glued the styrofoam to the box, and then attached those to the house. I love how it turned out, it is so adorable. I found the furniture I wanted for this space, and we have our fun hammock from Yellow Leaf Hammock out there now.

Side Yard Plans | What’s Next

The next step for the space is getting the ground all taken care of. I want to take some deck tiles and put them over where the mulch is and I'll probably stain our concrete patio because it has definitely seen better days. Honestly, I'm waiting until fall to do this part, though, because it is so hot this summer and it's just not worth being outside. I'm very excited to get this space to where I want it and hopefully we'll get it done by fall so we can enjoy cooler autumn days together.

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