My Favorite Paint Sprayers


Paint sprayers can be really helpful if you're doing a lot of DIY projects or for projects that have a lot of painting needing to be done. They require a good amount of prep work, and a lot of PPE to make sure that you are not inhaling paint, but trust me, it is so worth it. It almost cuts your painting time in half! I rounded up a few of my favorites at different price points so you can find one that meets your DIY needs. Let’s get into it!

My Favorite Paint Sprayers | The Basic

First up is the least expensive one. This is a basic plug paint sprayer I found on amazon. This was my first paint sprayer. Pros: It's really easy to use and is actually the one that I used on my daughter's house bed. I love how easy this one is to clean because it comes completely apart. I now use it for messier/more toxic paints. For example, when I repainted the wrought iron furniture with tractor truck paint, I used this sprayer. I used it for five or six projects before I moved on to the next paint sprayer. At this point, it has been relegated to only being used in those messier paint jobs, but it does get the job done. There is actually not a lot of overspray on this one, which is really important when you're using a paint sprayer. All in all, I would highly recommend this one as a beginner paint sprayer.

My Favorite Paint Sprayers | The Mid Range

Next up is the Paint Zoom. This one comes in at a little over $100 and is also a plugin. With this paint sprayer, you have the air pressurizer and then also a sprayer, which is attached to the container that holds the paint.

The Paint Zoom is really easy to take apart and clean, which is always a huge plus. It also comes with filters which I would really recommend using, especially when you're using older paint. It will filter any chunks out of the paint before you put it into the paint can for the paint sprayer. This will leave you with a much more smooth finish. The one thing I don't like about this one is that it is kind of bulky.

My Favorite Paint Sprayers | The Bougie Pick

Last up, and the most expensive one of the bunch, is the Graco Cordless paint sprayer. Honestly, if you're doing a lot of DIY projects and you're looking for a really smooth finish, I would highly recommend this one. It is definitely an investment, but if you're using it a lot, it's worth the money of the three sprayers.

The only downside to this one is it is the most difficult to clean of the three. The nice thing about it, however, is the can has liners that you can rinse out and reuse if needed or you can take the easy way out and just get new ones. Since this is cordless sprayer, you're not restricted when you are spraying and you don't have to worry about an extension cord. I love this sprayer so much, but you can't really go wrong with any of these! I would strongly recommend you get one of these to push your DIY projects to the next level. You can shop all of these sprayers below.

My Favorite Paint Sprayers | Shop


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