Sensory Room Makeover Plans


Even though I'm not home and won’t be able to do this until 2025, I'm going to share with you my ideas for my son's bedroom. His room is on the third floor of our house. It leads onto a deck, which is enclosed so he can't get out and it’s perfectly safe. There's also an en suite bathroom and a closet, and it's just a really large space. This room has been multiple things over the years, but it's always had a guest bed in it. I want to do something special for him and build a house bed like I did for my daughter.

Sensory Room Makeover Plans | The Guest Bed

First, we need to tackle the guest bed. We've had a queen size bed in this room since we moved in. We really love having it for when we have guests visit, but that doesn't happen more than a couple of times a year. I've always wanted to turn it into a Murphy bed and move our gallery wall from the largest wall to the wall where the Murphy bed would be. I want it also to be a dark green to kind of go with the theme of my son’s room.

Sensory Room Makeover Plans | Winnie the Pooh Bed Option 1

I want to stick with the Winnie the Pooh and Hundred Acre Wood theme we already have going in this room. I want to build him Winnie the Pooh's house as his bed. I have two different options I'm thinking about. The first option is just a house bed. It would look like the tree and the back part would be a house bed. Then I would add little touches I found on Pinterest around the house bed as well to really make it feel like its in the hundred acre woods.

Sensory Room Makeover Plans | Winnie the Pooh Bed Option 2

One of the great things about this room is that it has a vaulted ceiling. I thought for option 2, I could take advantage of that. It would be really fun to kind of have a bed tucked under the "tree" a little bit and then have a platform above it with a slide and a climbing wall because my son loves to climb things. I'm not sure how this would go long-term and if he would stay in his bed at night. I'm leaning towards option two because it makes a better use of the space. However, I often see plans similar to this, but nobody actually talks about what it's like to have in your kid’s room. Right now, he's still really little, so thankfully I have time to figure it out.

Sensory Room Makeover Plans | Climbing Space

On the other wall, where the couch has been the last few years, I want to change things around a little bit. I want to add some sort of climbing wall and other sensory things in here. I want to change up my daughter's room as well at this time. She and I need to talk about what she wants to do with the part of her room that currently has her play kitchen in it. What I would really like to do is move her play kitchen upstairs so my son can play with it and make a little house around it to kind of be like Rabbit's house in Winnie the Pooh.

I will also probably paint everything to make it more cohesive. I don't want it to be too kitschy, but I also want it to look cohesive and have a theme for the room. That's why all of my ideas include darker greens and browns. I also want to have a climbing wall with a swing because I think it would be great for both kids. Obviously this space wouldn't be just for my son because he goes in my daughter's room as well and I would like to utilize the nugget that we already have in this dark green color.

Again, this is kind of just the start of what I'm thinking so stay tuned for more ideas and when I actually complete this project mid 2025 when I can finally get to it.


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