How to Create the Perfect Gallery Wall

How To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Breezing ThroughHow To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Breezing ThroughHow To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Breezing ThroughHow To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Breezing ThroughHow To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Breezing ThroughHow To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Breezing ThroughHow To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Breezing ThroughHow To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Breezing Through

How To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Why a Gallery Wall

If you have been around for awhile, you know I love a good gallery wall. I have now created 7 walls in the different places we have lived. I think it is a great way to display the pictures and items you love without over crowding your entire home. It also brings a statement to a wall without having to add paint or wall paper.

One thing we do when we travel is gather things to add to our travel gallery wall. Instead of having random things we never see or use, our memories are hung on that wall. I have also blown up and printed pictures I have taken on trips as an addition to the travel wall.

The other two walls I have pictured are our office wall and our family wall. The office wall contains all of our combined degrees with a few other items sprinkled in. The family wall is a mix of our engagement, wedding and Jackie's new born pictures.

How To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Picking The Wall

When you are picking the wall to create your gallery wall on, you want a wall that is large and doesn't have any overhangs or nooks. It is much harder to cover a wall when there are different layers to the wall. I love picking a wall that I will see from lots of different angles. That way I am always seeing the wall and the items on the wall. Did you know you can print pictures on Amazon? They are decently priced and a great place to get some of those pictures printed!

Family room walls above the TV are a good place to start. You usually don't have a lot going on on that wall and it can look empty without something on it. Office walls above a desk are also a great place to put a gallery wall. You often don't put much on those walls so it can be a great place to display pictures and other items. I like to mix in our degrees with other items on the office gallery wall. Maps of our favorite places or sketches that go with my blog usually mix well with those.


How To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Picking The Pictures

I find this to be the hardest part because I always have more pictures that I have room! If I could sit around a pick pictures for a gallery wall all day, I would. Like I said, I like to print pictures from some of our travels to add to the travel wall. I also like to pick up unique pieces when I am traveling to add to that wall as well. Since I don't like to hang anything until the wall will look somewhat complete, I usually have a few pictures/items sitting around, waiting to be added to the wall.

For our office wall, I mentioned that it has our degrees and a few other things sprinkled in. The Disney World water colors are sprinkled in because I worked there when I did the Disney College Program in 2010. I love having those little reminders on that wall. The beautiful prints are a reminder of my blogging. They aren't of me, but I would definitely wear those outfits!


How To Create The Perfect Gallery Wall | Hanging the Pictures

I strongly suggest using 3M Picture Hanging Strips, specifically the velcro ones. These are a great way to hang your pictures without putting holes in the walls. You can also use nails but as you can see in some of the pictures of this post, the pictures hung on nails tend to end up crooked half the time. When you use the 3M strips, you are less likely to have the pictures fall off the wall or be crooked. The only problem with them is that they are harder to move if you want to rearrange the pictures for any reason!

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