My 5 Favorite Beauty Products

My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through

My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through

My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Breezing Through

My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Outfit Details

Dress: Fancy Frills Boutique // Gosh Being A Princess Is So Exhausting T Shirt: c/o Thread Tank

My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Revlon Colorstay Eyeshadow Primer

This is something I came across this a few months ago. I didn't think I needed an eyeshadow primer but one day I noticed that my eyeshadow was creasing. So I broke down and tried this one out. I love that it is incredibly expensive and it gets the job done. I have had the tube I am using, I have been using since December. You only need a tiny bit every time you use it so it goes a long way!

My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask

My lips have always been a struggle. They often crack in the night and bleed, no matter how much lip balm I use. When I was pregnant, they peeled for about 4 months. It was terrible. I found this lip sleeping mask through Tara and Layla's blog Talk to My Tayla. I thought it would be worth a try since nothing else I had ever done was working.

This is a serious game changer. My lips are softer and they don't crack at night when I use it. But I have to be consistent in order for it to work. Like most beauty products, it takes work to get the results you want.

My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Maskcara Beauty Stay Out There Setting Spray With SPF

If you have been following along long enough, you know by now that this is my favorite thing. It keeps your makeup in place and also has SPF in it. Whats great about having SPF in the Stay Spray as opposed to your makeup is that you can reapply it without messing up your makeup. I have used this spray to keep my makeup in place in the summer humidity and it works!

My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Tula Exfoliating Treatment Mask

You should be exfoliating your skin a few times a week. My skin is very sensitive so I need to be careful with what I used to exfoliate. This mask is perfection. It is light and has exfoliating beads in it. I have never felt like it was burning my skin or peeling skin off of my face. You put it on your face for a few minutes and then wipe it off with a wet cloth. My skin is always so soft after I used this mask and I love that it is even Tula blue!

My 5 Favorite Beauty Products | Active Wow Teeth Whitening Charcoal Powder Natural

This is a new discovery for me. I have always been self-conscious about the color of my teeth but whitening strips don't seem to work and I don't have time for teeth whitening sessions. When I saw this on Amazon, I thought it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. I have been using it every day for a week and I am already seeing results. My teeth also feel really clean after I use it, which is a plus.

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