First Floor Update

In order to get ready for baby number two to come, we needed to rearrange and redo our first floor to accommodate our TV and our play area. I knew I wanted to add extra storage, and from there it just snowballed into a whole first floor makeover. Follow along to see what I did!

First Floor Update | Dining Area

One of the few things actually staying in the space was the china hutch, so I moved it and got to work on the dining area. We got a new table with a bench and chairs thanks to Ashley Home stores, and I made sure to Scotch guard the chairs and the bench because I wanted them protected. I also changed out the legs on the bench from the original to pretty gold ones that are much more my style. When I stepped back and took a look, I realized the curtains were too long. I switched to shorter curtains and moved on to the family room area.

First Floor Update | Family Room

Everything in the family room area needed to be rearranged. First, I moved the piano to the far wall, sold or repurposed the furniture and I started building the entertainment cabinets from Lily Ann Cabinets. I have a previous blog post that goes into detail about these cabinets if you want to know more. The cabinets were super easy to assemble. I built a base for them to sit on top of, made sure they were all level and installed all of them into the studs in the walls. I made a custom white oak tabletop to go on top of the bottom cabinets and added some gold hardware. Every time I look at these built-ins I love them even more. They're just so pretty!

We've had a Love Sac couch for a few years we have absolutely loved, but it's staying upstairs and we're utilizing it in the nursery/guest room. We needed a new couch in the downstairs area and I knew I wanted another LoveSac couch. LoveSac couches are awesome. You buy each piece separate so you can configure it however you want. You can customize everything about the couch from the firmness, to material color/style and more. Not only that, but the covers come off of each piece so that you can WASH THEM! It really is a game changer with kids. Our couch is made up of 8 sides, 4 normal seats and 4 storage seats in Tan Combed Chenille. I even added stealth technology to ours meaning it has built-in speakers and charging ports. It is seriously so cool!

My husband and I spent a Saturday assembling it and creating this amazing setup I absolutely love. We already love cozying up and enjoying time together on this couch. It's going to be great when baby gets here.

First Floor Update | Shoe Storage

The last thing I did in this space was getting a new shoe storage setup. The space where our shoes were stored before has the piano in it now. Our old shoe storage piece I built was too big for the space so I had to come up with something new. I found these stacking shoe storage shelves from Target. On the bottom one, I didn't add the second shelf so we could put boots in there. Then I stacked three of the shelves together so it was tall enough I could still put my purse and my camera bag on top of it. Having them in a consistent space is crucial for me with my ADHD.

We had to do a lot to this space, but I am SO happy with how it all turned out. My husband and I were talking about how nice it is going from the old uncomfortable hand-me-downs to an incredibly comfortable space with a ton of storage. We absolutely love how it all came together know it's going to be perfect for when baby gets here.

First Floor Update | Shop


Upgrading Your Builder Grade Mirror


Baby Items I Bought for Baby #2