Downloads I Made To Make Your Life Easier

Over the years I have come up with a few systems that make my life SO much easier. I've worked hard to make them into editable downloads that I know will make your everyday life go smoothly as well. Lets go over them!

Forever File Box

First is the Forever File Box download. All of the many documents, art projects, awards, health records, etc. that come with kids can be overwhelming to keep track of. The Forever File Box gives you a place to put all of the important things in one little box. This is great because you know where everything important is AND you can pair down to just the important arts and crafts so you don't have to feel guilty for not keeping EVERY little thing. The rule I live by is if it doesn't fit, it doesn't get to stay.

Visual Schedule Boards

I started off with making a visual schedule board for my daughter that she used for years. I edited and perfected it over the years and with input from autistic adults, I have created an entire set of visual schedule boards: one for kids, one for teens and young adults, and one for adults. While the schedule boards were originally made with autistic people in mind, they are great for anybody who likes to have a visual reminder of what their schedule is going to be. I tried to make them as detailed as possible so you could plan out your day in as many steps as you want. The boards are targeted towards specific age groups because each age group is going to need different activities and have different responsibilities.

Clothing Choice Boards

Like the schedule boards, this is something I originally made for our autistic daughter so she could see all of her outfit options every day. Having a visual list of all of her clothes gave her a lot less anxiety when getting dressed in the morning. It also helped her communicate a little bit easier since she could just point to what she wanted to wear every day. I have two versions of this, one in pink and one in green so anybody can use it.

Home Binders

The fan favorite home binders started off with the first home binder, which is something to keep all of home details in one place. It is something you can pass off to the next person to live in your home, whether you're buying or renting. While I originally only had the home binder for home owners, I have now made an apartment binder and a home binder volume two. There's also the life binder for people who just want that little extra step to help keep them organized.

Packing List

Last but not least are the packing lists. I've created packing lists for adults, kids, and babies. I've been traveling my entire life both overseas and domestic. I'm also neurodivergent with a neurodivergent family. I've created these packing lists to make packing easier for everybody. Best of all? This one is free! The rest of the downloads are only $5 each. Make your life a little easier and check them out in the shop.

Downloads I Made To Make Your Life Easier | Shop

Activity Board - Child

Activity Board - Teen

Activity Board - Adult

Apartment Binder

Choice Board - Green

Choice Board - Pink

Forever File Box

Home Binder

Home Binder Vol 2

Life Binder

Packing Lists


Storage Closet Shelves


How To Use a Brad Nailer