DIY Friday: Pink Tufted Velvet Chair

This chair is probably one of the longest on going projects I have had. I started to reupholster it right before school ended and the conference in Poland is it has been sitting in my living room unfinished for several months. I realized that I had this post coming up and decided to use it as my motivation to get the chair finished. I am so glad that I did!

DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 3DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 1DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 2DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 4DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 5DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 6DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 7DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 8DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 9DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 10DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 11DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 12DIY Friday- Pink Tufted Velvet Chair | Breezing Through 13Photo Jul 07, 7 01 50 AM

This is the exact same chair as the blue one I did a few months ago. I wanted to do something a little different with this one and I have been coveting this pink chair from World Market for over a year. I figured I could pull something together that was similar that cost a lot less. I was really nervous about doing the tufting on the back of the chair, thinking it was going to be really difficult. Turns out, the hardest part was getting the fabric on the buttons! I used this incredible little device to get the fabric onto the buttons and while it took some practice, I love how it turned out.

The rest of the chair was done exactly like the blue chair. I have decided that the blue one is staying in our bedroom and the pink one is going in my office. I love the color and it makes me happy every time I see it! I have linked the great tools I used below as well as two other chair options in case you don't want to reupholster a chair to get this look!

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