Baby Boy Nursery Reveal

Our third floor which has served as our guest room, our playroom, and basically a catch-all is now being turned into the nursery. I needed to find the right space for everything and it was therefore kind of a multi-step process, but I'm so happy with how it turned out. Let me walk you through the process of transforming this into the nursery space!

Baby Boy Nursery Reveal | Washing and New Setup for the LoveSac Sactional

I already had in my head how I wanted everything to be set up. In order to make sure everything would fit the way I wanted it to, I taped it all off with painter's tape just so there weren't any surprises.

After I figured out roughly where I wanted everything to go, I knew I wanted to wash the couch. One of the best things about the Sactional is that every part can be washed. It took some time (especially at 35 weeks pregnant), but I got everything off, washed, hung to dry and put back on. After I washed it, it needed to be rearranged.

The first thing I did was lay out the couch feet because this is how everything starts off being put together. You put the sides on and then add the bases for the seat in later. I finished putting all the sides on for this setup and stepped back to look. I knew I wanted it to be really long along the length of the wall the gallery wall is on. Then I started putting the bases down for the seats. I connected the seats with the green clips, from Lovesac. They clip everything together for more stability and make everything tighter.

In my first arrangement, I had an ottoman in the middle because when we bought this couch, we bought five seats and six sides and I had to figure out how to use all of them. To be honest, I did not like the setup at all. I didn't like how the two middle seats were more shallow, and it was a very tight space when you came up the stairs between the dresser and the couch.

So, I took half of it apart, spent some time on the Lovesac website coming up with a new setup idea, bounced ideas off of my husband and finally came up with an arrangement that I like. It's kind of like a loveseat plus an armchair. Then I put one of the extra pieces on the end and the second extra piece I actually put at the end of the bed. This new setup worked better in the space and also gave me room for the floating shelves that I added.

Baby Boy Nursery Reveal | Cleaning Out the Closet

Next step in the nursery was tackling the closet. This closet kind of became my ADHD doom/catch all closet. Reorganizing it to fit baby items was a necessity.

I started off by just taking everything out so I could sort through it and decide what was staying. I decided I was going to keep all of the gifting stuff, Jackie's artwork/school stuff, my Cricut and its accompanying supplies in this closet. I put little sticky notes on everything so I could put new labels and put everything into new buckets so that it was better organized.

I had an old set of gold drawers in there I had spray painted forever ago, but they looked terrible and were not in great shape. I took everything out of those, sorted them into new containers, and got new containers for all of our cords, which was so nice. I originally had four sets of four plastic drawers in here too, but I swapped them out for sets of three plastic containers. They just were more functional and I was able to add another shelf on top of them.

Back when I first added the shelves to this closet, I never filled the holes from removing the wire shelves. While everything was out, I filled all of the holes, sanded them down, and then gave everything a quick coat of paint. I sorted through all of the old baby stuff we'd saved from when Jackie was an infant. I started sorting that into drawers, deciding where everything was going to go and what we were keeping versus what we were not. Lastly, I used my trusty Cricut to label everything so it all was easily accessible. I love how clean and organized it is now. We'll see how long it stays like this, but it's so ready for baby now, and that just makes me happy.

Baby Boy Nursery Reveal | Nightstands

When we first moved into this house, I made this two person desk out of two end tables we had. However, it turned out we didn't need the large desk. So I cut one of the ends off and painted the tops and turned one into a desk and the other one into a nightstand. Now that I'm redoing the nursery, my intention was always for these two to be nightstands for the guest bed. The chalk paint I had used on these was horrendous, so I knew I wanted to repaint them and figured I would match the hardware to the other dressers in the room while I was at it.

I wood-filled all of the hardware holes, cut the top off and reinstalled the original legs so it would match the other nightstand. I gave everything a good sanding and then used Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel in Hamburg Gray so it would match the dressers I painted last year. I painted a first coat, let that dry, lightly sanded it and gave it another coat. I painted the drawers, including the insides and waited a good week before putting them back inside the nightstands and installed the hardware.

I really like how very unique and different these nightstands turned out. They're not something you see all the time and I just love how it all came together in the "guest room" part of the nursery.

Baby Boy Nursery Reveal | Finishing Touches

After all of the large furniture pieces were in place, it was time to add the finishing touches of this nursery. I added a washable rug we had downstairs to make the space feel cozier and I nailed it to the floor so it wouldn't move around . I hung this beautiful owl my husband's grandmother had made which he inherited when she died.

I changed out the cover on our Nugget couch so that it was green instead of pink and goes more cohesively with the space. I cleaned out the crib and put up a mobile we've had in our family for forever and decorated the floating shelves I installed next to the couch.

I've always been a big Winnie the Pooh fan and wanted that to carry into the theme for this nursery. I've been able to add Winnie the Pooh things I've collected over the years, things Jackie used and things that have been passed down in our families. It makes this room even more special and gives it a cozy, homey feel. Even though this space is multi-use, it works out perfectly for our needs. I'm so excited about this space and can't wait to add the last piece (baby brother) to it very soon!


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