Spring Break at Top Sail Island

I got back from a very quick trip to Boston last night. It snowed while I was there...it's April. So I am sharing our trip to the beach from a week ago to get myself back into a warmer weather mood.Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 3Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 6Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 8Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 10Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 12Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 14Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 16Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 21Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 29Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 32Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 38Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 41Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 46Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 47Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 51Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 1Top Sail Island | Breezing Through 5Remember when we went to Top Sail Island last August and stayed at a friend's beach house? Well that same friend was down at her beach house during spring break and kept texting Paris to bring the girls and come visit her. After some rescheduling, we jumped in the car and headed down to the beach. I had been thinking just the week before how I really wanted to go to the beach so it was perfect. We took the little girls and my grandparents. We stayed for 3 days and loved every minute of it. The weather was perfect, sunny and 70s. We may have gotten a tad bit sun burned (I got it the worst) but it wasn't anything a little black tea treatment couldn't fix. The little girls were pretty nervous about the tea but once I put the tea soaked cloths on their burns, they happily sat and watched their shows while the tea did its magic!We explored the island this time and had fun going into all of the cute little shops. There was even a bakery that had lots of gluten free goodies. If you are down there be sure to check out Sugar in Surf City. One of my favorite things to do at the beach is catching the sunrise. I don't always catch it and it usually doesn't photograph well. This time it was perfect!Breezing Through Blog


Quick Trip To Boston


The Pig & Pint, Or How I Stopped Worrying And Learned to Love Eating Tacos Inside An Old Gas Station In Mississippi