Quick Trip To Boston

Boston Marriott Cambridge Hotel | Breezing Through 12Quick Trip to Boston | Breezing Through 4Quick Trip to Boston | Breezing Through 3Quick Trip to Boston | Breezing Through 1Last week I went to Boston for 2 days for a training on SmartSheet. If you haven't tried SmartSheet yet, you will love it as a project management tool. I have been using it for awhile and now that I know all of the incredible things it does, I am even more obsessed with it than before.I was actually in Cambridge, on the MIT, campus the entire time I was there. I tried to go over to Beacon Hill for some awesome pictures but the first day I was there, my phone died and it was 28 degrees with a wind advisory. The second day was pouring and by the time the rain let up, I had to run to the airport to catch my flight home! I was able to get some awesome shots from my hotel room though!Check back in on Wednesday for a review of the hotel I stayed in!Breezing Through Blog


Boston Marriott Cambridge Hotel


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