Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Dreams

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Breezing Through

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Outfit Details

Jumpsuit // Shoes // Earrings // Necklace // Jackie's Jumpsuit (sold out) // Jackie's Shoes // Jackie's Bow

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Matching Jumpsuits

Before I jump into this post, I do want to talk about these darling jumpsuits really fast. You all know I love to match/coordinate with Jackie so when I can find something comfy, cute and flattering that we can both wear, I will snap it up. I bought these during the 2019 Black Friday sales and I know that the mini jumpsuit is sold out. But Ivy City Co has a bunch of other darling matching mommy and me outfits, including some jumpsuits that were just released!

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Changes

This topic has been on my mind for a few months now. I feel like last year brought a lot of changes and new things into our lives, which shifted my priorities. Starting Adler Stone and Jackie starting school turned the things I was planning for this space and new things I was working on into things that weren't so important. But those things have been weighing heavily on my mind. I was bitter sometimes because I didn't have enough hours in the day to get done all of things I wanted and needed to do.

My family is my priority. I have church responsibilities. I have a job. I have multiple small businesses, including Breezing Through. I have a running to do list that I'm always behind on. Even when I think I am all caught up, there is something I have forgotten. So all of these changes, just made things even more crazy.

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Shifting Priorities

As a working mom, I have to decide what my priorities are every day. Jackie is in school but that she has days off, half days and then afternoons when she gets out of school. And Jackie is my priority. Work, business ideas, emails, laundry, dishes, meals all go to the back burner. Sometimes I have to juggle working and spending time with Jackie but that has lessened since she started school.

But that means that the big project I was working on last year for Breezing Through has been put on an indefinite hold. I was working on a social media course. I had so many ideas and I was working on how to get them out and to people who could use them. But I had to turn that energy elsewhere. Jackie needs me. I need to focus that brain energy on getting everything figured out for her. Seeing doctors, getting a medical diagnosis, parent - teacher conferences, IEP meetings, melt downs and precious moments after school are where my time and energy are going now.

Prioritizing Vs Giving Up On Your Dreams | Not Giving Up on Dreams

Like I said, I was bitter about this for a little while. Not bitter about Jackie or any of the changes. But bitter about not having enough band width to do all of the things I wanted to. We knew about Jackie's evaluation results in November and that she would start school in December. So I have been able to sit with this for awhile. It wasn't just the social media course that has been put on hold. There are other things that have been put on the back burner and I am working on doing things differently to fit our new life.

But after taking some time to sit with this and think about it, I am not giving up on these dreams, ideas and projects. They are just being put on hold. In the last 8 years since The Husband and I have been married and I have been working in the small business world, this has happened before. Things ebb and flow. There are times to be creative and do the things you want. There are other times to just keeping plugging away, doing the same things every day, just to get by. And that's ok.

And right now that's what I am doing. I am pouring as much as I can into this Breezing Through space. Blog posts, social media content, brand collaborations. I don't have to learn any new skills and I already have an established brand. I am putting my phone down and spending more time playing on the floor and jumping on the couch with Jackie. And for right now, that's enough.


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