Packing List + Free Download

When I first shared my neurodivergent travel tips, I had a lot of people ask me about packing. For some reason, packing causes me a great bit of anxiety. You would think it would be the opposite considering I have been packing and traveling internationally since the age of five, but that's just how my anxiety works. Despite my anxiety, at this point I'm a pro at packing well and packing light. I famously took just a tiny carry-on and a purse for 10 days in Europe. I wanted to share my tips and tricks with you so you can pack like a pro as well!

Packing List and Free Download | Tip 1: Pack Early

I start packing for a trip however many days in advance I will be gone for. If I'm going to be gone for a week, then I start packing a week before I leave. This helps me make sure I have everything I need for the trip. I know exactly where everything's going to go in suitcases, I can do the laundry I need to do, and if I need to buy stuff, I have plenty of time to make it to the store.

Packing List and Free Download | Tip 2: Research The Location and Pack Accordingly

I put a lot of time into researching the place I'm traveling to because everything I pack is going to depend heavily on the weather of that location as well as activities I have planned. I know I will pack differently for Germany versus Mexico because the climate is wildly different, so I want my clothing choices to reflect that.

Packing List and Free Download | Tip 3: Pack Light

My general rule of thumb is 1 outfit per day with 1-2 backup outfits for the entire trip. I pack underwear for each day, unless I have access to laundry, and then I cut that in half. I pack 5-10 pieces of jewelry that work with all of my outfits and 2 pairs of shoes (3 maximum). I normally wear the biggest/clunkiest pair of shoes on the plane to save room in my bag. If I need a swimsuit, I bring 2-3, no more than that. I bring 1 purse for the trip, and usually it's the purse I'm using on the plane, whether it's a diaper bag, a backpack, or a regular purse. Then I add an additional tote I can either pack flat or folds up really small and I can put in my suitcase.

Packing List and Free Download | Tip 4: Packing Cubes and Electronics

I've talked about this before, but I always use packing cubes. I've done tons of videos on these. They're so useful and keep things organized and separated.

As far as electronics go, the best way you can reduce the amount of cords and chargers you have to take with you is by getting a docking station where you can charge multiple items at the same time. I have a docking station where I can charge my phone, my watch, and my headphones at the same time. This one is ready to go with my travel stuff and it is separate from my normal docking station so I don't need to take that one off of my nightstand.

Packing List and Free Download | Tip 5: Cosmetics

I recently started collecting duplicates of all of my cosmetics instead borrowing from my everyday items and it has been a game changer. When I say I have duplicates of everything that I use on a daily basis, I'm serious: I have a second toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, nail clippers and file. I have duplicates of all of my makeup, eyelash extensions, glue and the coconut oil I use to remove them. It’s all in one container ready to go. In another container, I have all of my haircare items.

This makes packing SO much easier. Instead of rushing to pack my cosmetics at the very last minute and inevitably end up forgetting something, I can actually take this bag out of all of the packing supplies I have and put it in the suitcase when I start packing, and its a worry off of my future plate. Gathering these cosmetics over the course of a year helped bring down the expense of it because I was able to wait for everything to go on sale and get it when I was able to get a better discount on things. All-in-all its one of my best packing tips to date and I would HIGHLY recommend it if you can.

I hope these tips help you on your next trip! I've linked everything I use below. Because I know I will get asked about my packing list, I have created a free packing list download for anybody who wants it. I have an adult packing list, a kid packing list, and a baby packing list. Hopefully you can find this useful whether you're neurodivergent or not. Happy travels!

Packing List + Free Download | Shop


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