Neurodivergent Travel Tips

We all know traveling can be a hassle. With changes in routine, new people, new food, unfamiliar spaces and so much more, traveling can be especially hard for anyone who is neurodivergent. These are a few of the things I have found to make our traveling easier.

Neurodivergent Travel Tips | Packing

First up on our must have neurodivergent travel items are packing cubes. Packing cubes are an absolute necessity for us. They keep everything contained and organized and make it so much easier for when you reach your destination. Typically, I color code our packing cubes. Each family member has their own color and their stuff stays in their specific cubes. This makes finding things in a rush so much easier!

We also have these awesome folding packing cubes I use for packing as well. Again, each family member has their own so our stuff doesn’t get mixed up. There are instructions on them on how to fold pieces of clothing correctly so everything fits into this envelope. I have to say, as someone who has traveled overseas extensively and has been packing for a very, very long time, this is the best packing cube system I have ever used. I highly recommend them to everybody. You can fit so much in these packing envelopes. It amazes me every single time!

Neurodivergent Travel Tips | Travel Accommodations

Next up is travel accommodations. Having a small sensory kit on the plane was a game changer. I’ve talked before about my love for Young, Wild and Freedman. They have these small sensory kits I highly recommend. They come in dough kits and kinetic sand kits. We like to bring a small Tupperware to keep things contained, especially for the kinetic sand kits. These kits really come in clutch for long plane rides and Jackie really enjoyed it.

We also always bring our wagon. Jackie is getting too big for our stroller, but we still need to be able to easily carry her and all of the extra things that come when traveling with kids. This wagon is budget conscious, easily folds and can haul a good amount of stuff. We take it right to the gate and gate check it so we have it through the airport.

Neurodivergent Travel Tips | Swim

Another one of our favorite travel items are these sensory friendly splash swim goggles. We’ve been using them for over a year now and I can honestly say they’re amazing! They don’t have the band traditional goggles have that is hard to size, snags hair, etc. Instead, they have a band that is stretchy and soft, almost like swimsuit material which makes them great for kids with sensory sensitivities. They come in a ton of different patterns and styles and even stay on in the pool and at the beach.

Neurodivergent Travel Tips | Sleep

The last necessity we have for traveling is our travel bed tent. Jackie loves sleeping in an enclosed place, which is why I built her the house bed in her room. There are so many variables when traveling so we’ve found when we make her sleep environment when traveling closely mimic her home environment everything runs more smoothly. We’ve tried a lot of bed tents but this one is by far our favorite. It easily fits on a bed, comes together quickly, is compact and as a bonus comes in pink which Jackie loves!

Hopefully these travel tips help to make your next vacation a little easier. Happy traveling!

Neurodivergent Travel Tips | Shop

Young, Wild + Friedman Sensory Jars


Creating a Cozy Landing Space


Creating a More Functional Coat Closet