How My Hair has Changed after using Navy Hair Care for 1 Year

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | Breezing Through

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | Breezing Through

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | Breezing Through

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | Breezing Through

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | Breezing Through

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | Breezing Through

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | Breezing Through

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | Breezing Through

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | Outfit Details

Dress // Shoes // Earrings // Necklace // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | One Year Later

In my mind, I already wrote my glowing post about Navy Hair Care, 6 months ago. I wasn’t planning on writing another one. But I was looking back at pictures from Easters past over the weekend and I was FLOORED at the change in my hair. I knew I loved Navy Hair Care when I first started using it but looking at my hair at this same time last year and how dry/damaged/terrible it looked in comparison to now, I had to give you all an update, otherwise how could I honestly say I had given it a through review?

As I said, I did a post about Navy Hair Care about 6 months ago, talking about how much I loved it. I had been using it for awhile and had decided it was the best products I had been using on my hair. In just a few months, I was seeing a huge difference in my hair. But now, my hair is healthier, shiner and does what I want it to!

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | My Old Hair

Let’s start at the beginning, a very good place to start (name that movie). I honestly never really knew how to take care of my hair. As a kid, my mom would blow dry my hair every morning. As I got older, we decided to get it chemically straightened once a year. It held up really well and made my hair much easier to deal with. I have thick, coarse, semi wavy hair that struggles to hold a curl. So straightening it made my life easier. After I graduated from high school, I stopped straightening it and tried to embrace the wave.

My hair was always overly damaged from too much heat being used on it and I wasn't using the right products. I only get it cut a few times a year and about a year ago, I just got fed up with how it looked. Even with I blow dried it, it looked terrible. Even with "specialized" formulas for my hair, nothing was working. I kept seeing people talking about Navy Hair Care last year and I decided to try it out.

How My Hair has Changed with Navy Hair Care After 1 Year | My Hair Now

So almost one year later, I was looking at pictures from last Easter and noticed how damaged my hair looked. And then I compared it to pictures of my hair now. I am stunned. My hair is shiner, healthier and just looks SO MUCH BETTER. Even after not washing it for more than a week. There has been a lot of stress in the last year and I haven't changed my diet so the only think I can think of is the Navy Hair Care!


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