Adding Color to Your Wardrobe

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Breezing Through

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Breezing Through

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Breezing Through

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Breezing Through

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Breezing Through

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Breezing Through

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Breezing Through

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Breezing Through

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Outfit Details

Dress // Shoes // Purse // Necklace // Earrings // Bracelet // Bracelet // Bracelet

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Staying Neutral

I was looking through my closet and realized I have a lot of neutral colored clothes, especially dresses. That's not a bad thing, it's my style. But I do also have a lot of color that I have incorporated into my wardrobe, because I love pops of bright colors, especially for events.

I know I'm not the only one who likes to incorporate color into my wardrobe but I know it can be hard sometimes. When you are used to buying neutral or muted colors, it can be hard to add that bright pink dress to your cart and actually buying it. So let's talk about how you can do that today.

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Be Bold

Let's talk about switching up your mindset first. Yes, you can wear that bright pink dress. I keep using that example because of the dress in this post. I have always loved wearing this color pink. I have several dresses in this shade in my closet and have had others in the past.

Most of the time, the bright pink dress in my closet also comes in several other colors. I could have bought it in navy, black, white or a neutral pattern. Even this dress comes in white and a more neutral navy/green. I was tempted to get it in white but I decided I had too many white dresses. The pink was what I needed and the color makes me happy. So I decided to be bold and added the pink to my cart and bought it.

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Seek It Out

If you have changed your mindset when it comes to buying brighter colors, you then have to start seeking it out. You have to actively look for those bright colors. Most stores have something you are looking for but neutrals sell better. So the image you see online won't usually be of the brightest color available in that piece.

The best thing to do is find a piece of clothing you love and then look at the color options. Is there a brighter color available? Try it! Don't be afraid of yellows, greens or pinks. To be honest, I don't wear a lot of yellow. But I bought a yellow dress a few years ago that has become one of my favorite summer dresses because of the color!

Adding Color To Your Wardrobe | Shop

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