Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Breezing Through

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath |Valentine's Day Decor

I am not usually that into Valentine's Day but since Jackie was born, it's become much more fun. This year I wanted to up my decor game a bit but I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. You should know by now that since that was the case, I decided to just make what I had come up with in my head. I had some left over wreath forms from my burlap wreath making days and yarn is fairly inexpensive, so this was going to be an easy project. I will walk you through the steps so you can make your own Valentine's Day pom wreath too! I made three wreaths for around $40.

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Supplies

The supplies for this project are pretty inexpensive and you can use them for more than one project if you want! First I needed the pom makers. You can 100% do this project without them but they do make it much easier and since you can get 4 sizes for less than $10, I'd say it's worth it! Then I needed to pick my yarn. I'm not the biggest fan of using red in my home decor so I bought yarn in Perfect Pink, Shock Pink and White. I got enough yarn to make several wreaths, two for my house and one for Paris's.

I already had one of the wreath forms but I did end up buying a wire wreath form from the dollar store for Jackie's house bed wreath. I found that each wreath form required different ways of attaching the poms to them, so I will talk about that more below.

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Making The Poms

The first thing you will need to do is make the poms. I started off with the second largest pom maker and made 13 of each color. I wanted to outer row of poms to be larger on the big wreath so I used the largest pom maker and made 7 of each color in that size.

Making the poms is very simple. You wrap the yarn around the two corresponding sides of the pom maker, essentially wrapping them together. You want to have a pretty thick layer of yarn on there so wrap it from end to end 4-5 times. The more yarn there is, the fluffier your pom will be! Repeat this step on the other side. Once both sides are wrapped, cut up the "seam" or the gap of the pom maker, all the way around. This will give you what looks like two sides of tiny pieces of yarn. Make sure your pom maker stays together once you have cup through the gap! Now you will need to cut a piece of yarn to tie through the gap. I learned that you want a piece long enough that you can later tie the pom the the wreath form. Tie the piece of yarn TIGHTLY through the gap. The tighter you tie it, the less of the middle will be seen and the better the pom will stay together.

Once you have tightly tied the yarn through the gap, you can open up the sides of the pom maker! You will likely have some stray pieces and some longer pieces that need to be trimmed. Make sure your pom is even all around and fluffed to your satisfaction.

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Assembling the Wreath

Now that you have all of your poms, you can assemble your wreath. Like I mentioned above, there is a different way to assemble the wreath based on which wreath form you are using. I will talk about assembling both a foam wreath and a wire wreath.

First let's start with the foam wreath. It is the easier of the two. Starting on the inside, place your poms in the pattern you want them to be in and tie them to the wreath. Honestly, thats in! Continue to tie poms to the wreath as you move out of the inside of the wreath. I used the smaller poms on the inside and middle of the wreath and the largest poms on the outside of the wreath. As long as you tie the poms tight, they won't move. When you are done, trim the yarn used to tie the poms to the wreath so the ends can't be seen. You may also want to trim some of the poms during this time too. You will see stray pieces once the entire wreath is put together.

Ok, let's talk about assembling a wire wreath. The concept of tying the poms to the form is the same but I found in order to keep the poms from moving around, you also need to tie them to each other. I used 3 sizes of poms for the wire wreath. I made 7 of the second largest pom size, 7 of the next size down and 4 of the smallest size poms for this wreath. The outer most row was the largest of the poms. Once I tied them to the form, I then tied each pom to the pom next to it. I repeated this for the inner row of poms (the next size down). After the two rows were done, I took small pieces of yarn and then tied the bundles of poms to the other row - inside to outside. After I did that, I added the smallest poms on top and between the two rows, tiying them directly to the form. These weren't going to move much since they were already secured to the bundles on the back. All of the tying made a big difference in keeping the poms in place!

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Hanging The Wreaths

Once I was done, I used a long piece of yarn to hang Jackie's wire wreath on her house bed. I looped it a few times and then tied it to the form. This worked perfectly! For the larger wreath, I just placed in on a door hook and it's stayed just fine! I added some Valentine's Day garlands from my favorite Etsy shop to tie the decor together in Jackie's room!

I have linked all of the supplies for this project, along with a few options for the wreath forms and the garlands I bought, below.

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Pom Wreath | Shop

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