How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Breezing Through

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Outfit Details

Dress // Leggings // Shoes

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Where We Keep the Toys

A few months ago, we decided that we needed to do some reorganizing of Jackie's toys. We live in a small apartment, so we don't have a ton of space as it is but I wanted most of the toys out of her room. That way when we do eventually move her to a toddler bed (that won't happen for awhile though), we would have already established that books and a few stuffed animals were in her room and everything else was in the family room.

I have never liked the idea of having a bunch of toys out all of the time and I always didn't want our family room to look like a playroom. So instead of getting a bunch of new things and creating a playroom, I used the baskets and shelves that we already owned to create a functional but a nice space for us to live in.

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Shelving

We had a lot of shelving from our last apartment that we still utilize in the space we are in now. Most of it, as you can see, is covered in Jackie's toys. As she got taller, she would pull anything within reach off the lower shelves. I decided it wasn't worth having stuff getting pulled off the shelves every day so I put her toys there instead. You can find those bookshelves here.

The shelf that the tv is on is actually another bookshelf that we turned on it's side! You can find it here. We weren't planning on using this as a tv stand but we couldn't hang the tv in the last apartment we lived in so we used this bookshelf instead and we loved the storage it offered. It has been perfect for storing baskets with Jackie's toys inside while still looking nice.

You probably noticed that there are some shelves that don't have baskets on them and the toys are clearly sitting out. While this drives me crazy personally, it works best for Jackie. She loves her figurines and her Little People toys and likes to be able to pick them off the shelf without having to dig through a basket. So they are set out on the shelves and we make sure they end up back on the shelves at the end of the day.

How I Store & Organize Jackie's Toys | Baskets

I am a big fan of baskets when it comes to storing toys. They hide the majority of the toys and make it much easier to organize them. I did try using buckets to store Jackie's toys but she couldn't find what she wanted so baskets were better for us. I found a mix of baskets for these shelves so that everything looks put together without looking overly uniform. I also like lidded baskets and round baskets for bigger toys and stuffed animals.

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