New ADHD Medication & How It's Going

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Breezing Through

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Outfit Details

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New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | New Meds

I have always been open about taking ADHD medication, especially as an adult. You can read the full blog post I did about it here. Over time, your body chemistry changes and a medication you have been taking for years can stop working. I talked about this back in September and you can read about that here. I started the process of finding a new medication then and it has taken awhile to find the right fit for me. Now, I am on a medication that works for me and I don't have any issues with side effects like I did with others that I have tried.

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | Experimenting with Meds

The process of finding a medication that works can be hard. When I was first diagnosed as a teenager I was put in Vyvanse. On even the smallest dose of this medication I became very paranoid. It was a hard week and my doctor switched me off of that medication quickly. So when I told my neurologist about that in September, he told me he didn't want to even try Vyvanse now, it wasn't worth the risk. So we tried Jornay PM. You take this medication at night and it wakes you up exactly 12 hours later. I LOVED this medication. We did up the dosage after a month and I was still very happy with it. In October, I started experiencing some not so great side effects. I woke up in the middle of the night with both legs cramping from hip to toes. My back hurt ALL THE TIME. And then, I had the worst period cramps of my life. I would compare them to labor contractions, now that I've had a baby. It was terrible. So my doctor and I had to find a new option.

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | The Right Med

After the muscle cramping of the Jornay PM, I was a little nervous about side effects with another medication. But my doctor suggested MyDayis, which is made by the same company that makes Vyvanse but has the same active ingredients at Adderall (which I was on for more than 10 years). Knowing that, I was a little more comfortable starting this new medication.

With all new medications, it can take a few months for side effects to manifest and to really know if the medication will work long term. I have now been on MyDayIs since November, so 3 months. There haven't been any side effects at this point and I haven't had to increase the dosage. I feel comfortable saying that after almost 3 months, I am happy with this medication. I do really miss the Jornay PM waking me up every morning but the side effects just were not worth it.

You may be wondering how a medication with the same active ingredient as Adderall works for me. If Adderall stopped working, why would MyDayIs? It's all about release time. MyDayIs has a different release schedule than Adderall XR so the medication is released to my brain differently.

New ADHD Medication & How It's Going | What Now?

Now, I have to see how long this medication will work for me. While it is working for me, it has still only been 3 months. Which means things can change and I may need to increase the dosage I am on or change to a new medication completely. We will see! This is a process and since it's something most people don't talk about, I want to share it all with you. If anything else changes, I will let you all know!


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