Autism Fidget Toys & Bags

Shortly after Jackie was diagnosed as autistic and we were going to a lot of different therapies, I started carrying around these little fidget bags wherever we went. I realized they were a great tool to keep her entertained and I now have them in almost every bag we own! I have one in my purse, diaper bag, our church bag, her backpack and we even have one in her bed box. They have become such a staple for us that I decided I would show you what I put in each of ours!

Autism Fidget Toys & Bags | What’s in Our Bags

Keeping everything in the bag became a game changer for me. I was no longer searching at the bottom of a bag for a random fidget toy. Instead, I am able to just grab the whole bag. Each bag has at least three different fidgets. They all have bubble poppers, a stretchy snake she loves and little marble fidgets. I also have squishy/stretchy cats she loves and then a bendable and moldable block type thing. I don't even know what to call it, but she loves it too. All of these toys are great for sensory play because they have different colors, textures and shapes.

It's been really helpful to have access to these all of the time. Whenever my daughter needs something to fidget with during doctors appointments, long car rides or I can tell she just needs to release some energy, I am able to pull these out. About every six months I go back and take everything out of the fidget bags and rearrange what's in them with new toys. This way, it gives Jackie something new and fresh to play with and she doesn't get bored. Like I said before, having these bags in so many easily accessible places has been a game changer for our family. Links to the fidget toys as well as the bags we use are linked below.

Autism Fidget Toys & Bags | Shop


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