A New Adventure

My husband recently pointed out that this year marks 10 years of this website. I created this space to document my travels and travel tips, back when I was working all over the world. As my life changed over the last 10 years, so did the content in this site. Today, the majority of my content is ADHD/Autism and DIY. There have been many more eyes on this space since I made that switch and I’m grateful for all of the support and the connections I have made because of it.

However, this summer being the 10 year anniversary of Breezing Through is incredibly fitting for the announcement I have for you today! This year, I’ll be reverting back to the original intent of this space- traveling. In June our family is moving to Argentina for 6 months!

Why Argentina?

My husband’s job is sending him to do some work in Buenos Aires. If you have been following along for a while, you’ll remember he is fluent in Spanish, using it at work and speaking it with our kids. He has a very niche expertise and combined with speaking Spanish, this was a good fit.

Originally when we first started talking about this last year, the plan was the kids and I would go for the summer and come back in time for school to start. But the timeline of when they wanted my husband to be in Argentina changed so we decided the entire family would go for the full 6 months. Our kids are the perfect age to do this and Jackie is old enough that she will remember it.

What about your house?

We are keeping our house as this is a temporary move. I don’t even really consider it a move since we are only taking suitcases.  We have plans for someone to take care of our house while we are gone so we will be coming right back here in December! I still have a lot of DIY plans for this house so there will be a lot of that when we get back.

More questions

What about school? Where will you live? I’m sure you all have lots of questions! We do know where we are living but I won’t be sharing the exact location. There are a lot of questions I don’t have answers to yet. Some answers we will get before we leave and some answers we will figure out when we get there. We still have a lot of logistics to get ironed out and a lot to do to be ready to go in just 9 weeks! I’ll be wrapping up and sharing some projects I have been working on and I’ll also be sharing what we are taking, how I’m packing, how we are prepping the kids and how I’m prepping the house to have someone else stay here.

We are really excited about this experience and the things we will be able to do. We plan on doing a lot of traveling, both within Argentina and around South America. Jackie is still all about animals and can’t wait to see penguins, capybaras and orcas.


Side Yard Shed


Home Binder Series