5 Reasons You Should Dress Up to Fly

5 Reasons You Should Dress Up to Fly | Breezing Through

5 Reasons You Should Dress Up to Fly | Why I Dress Up

If you have been following along, you might have noticed that in my post Jordan: Flying with Eithad Airways, I was wearing a maxi dress. I have worn that dress every time I have gotten on a plane in the last year, no matter how long the flight or where I was going. You may think getting on a 12+ hour flight in a maxi dress is crazy, but hear me out. I have 5 reasons why dressing up to fly is a good idea.


5 Reasons You Should Dress Up to Fly | Who You Might Meet

You never know who you are going to meet while traveling. My business is event planning. That means that anyone I meet can be a potential client. So I need to dress appropriately wherever I go. No one is going to take you seriously in any industry if you are handing them a business card dressed in sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt.


5 Reasons You Should Dress Up to Fly | You Can Change

You can always change your clothes. If you are getting on a flight where you are going to be asleep for most of your time in the air, there is nothing wrong with changing into pj's or something a little more comfortable once the fasten seat belt sign has been turned off. That way, you look amazing before and after you get off the flight and you were comfy the entire time! Some airlines, like Eithad, will give you a set of pajamas in first class so you can change. Etihad's pajamas are really comfy too.


5 Reasons You Should Dress Up to Fly | Be Prepared

You are prepared for anything. If you are traveling for business, you never know what your trip may bring. There have been times when I have gotten off of a plane and had to go straight into a meeting with no time to change. If I had been wearing something other than one of my maxi dresses, I would have been very uncomfortable! You also never know when you might get that business class or first class upgrade. Again, no one is going to take you seriously if you are wearing sweatpants and a nasty t-shirt in first class. You want to look like you've been there before.


5 Reasons You Should Dress Up to Fly | You Look Awesome

No one thinks you just got off a plane. This is key if you are going somewhere right after you get off the plane. Everyone has that haggard, exhausted look after any flight but wouldn't it be amazing if you could look fantastic too! I have had so many people tell me that I don't look like I just got off a plane when I am dressed up.


5 Reasons You Should Dress Up to Fly | You Feel Amazing

You feel amazing. Yes, I said it. You feel so much better about yourself when you have put in the effort and you look amazing. The best part is, you can be comfy too! The clothes I wear on planes are as comfy as any of my pajamas and I would never feel like I had to change out of them. I will take off my accessories when I go to sleep but I just put those back on when I wake up!


5 Reasons You Should Dress Up to Fly | Where I Get My Travel Clothes

Sadly my trusty black maxi has seen its last trip, I found a small hole near my right hip. So I went digging around online and found the cutest new replacement from White Plum Boutique. This dress is so comfortable, I can't wait to wear it on my next trip! I actually loved the dress so much, I went back and bought it in blue and gray as well.

I usually wear a belt to make the outfit look more put together and I ALWAYS wear a sweater, even when going to the Middle East in the summer. Those planes get cold! My favorite sweater to wear right now is from H&M. It works so well with just about anything and is really light weight. I bought it in black and white.

Throw on a few pieces of simple jewelry and you have the perfect dressed up travel outfit!

I know it's crazy but the next time you are going on a trip, try dressing up to go on the plane. It is amazing how much better you feel and how you are prepared for anything!


3 Ways to Stay In Shape When You Travel


Mt Nebo & The Jordan River Foundation