3 Ways to Stay In Shape When You Travel

3 Ways to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Breezing Through3 Ways to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Breezing Through3 Ways to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Breezing Through3 Ways to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Breezing Through3 Ways to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Breezing Through3 Ways to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Breezing Through 

How to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Exercise

One of the hardest things to do when I am traveling is staying in shape. Especially when I am flying over seas, I tend to eat WAY more than I would otherwise. This makes getting my pants on in the morning before a meeting a bit more difficult than I would like! I also have a back/hip problem which makes traveling and exercising really hard on my body. I have discovered a few good ways to stay in shape while traveling.


How to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Swimming

One of the best ways to stay in shape while traveling is swimming. It is one of the best forms of exercise because it is non-impact (you're not putting pressure or strain on any of your joints). This is the perfect kind of exercise for me because I won't do anything to aggravate my back/hips but I still am able to keep off the extra pounds! A lot of hotels have really nice pools for you to swim in during your stay. In the last year, I have been able to swim in some of the coolest pools!


How to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Walking

Another way to get in some exercise is to walk. EVERYWHERE! If you have the option between walking somewhere and taking a cab/bus/car, walk it! You can always sit and rest along the way and you will be amazed at the things you see that you would not have otherwise. It is a really great way to get to know the country you are visiting. Sometimes that hill can seem intimidating but you won't stay in shape if you are being driven everywhere! I love being able to walk around the cities I am visiting. It can be painful sometimes with my back/hip issues, but I just walk slower so I can still experience everything. We have stumbled onto so many amazing places by just walking around a city. Of course, if it is not safe to go wondering around the city you are visiting, please don't!

How to Stay In Shape When You Travel | Take Pictures

One more great way to exercise while you are traveling is to take pictures! To really get good pictures, you need to be moving. You can get amazing pictures from walking around or sometimes you can get a work out trying to get a perfect picture while sitting! My mom caught this picture of me while in Jordan, I was trying to get the perfect picture of the sunset over the Dead Sea. I think I took about 200 pictures of the sunset that evening, but I'm pretty sure I got the perfect picture!

 So no matter where you travel, you can find a way to keep yourself in those skinny jeans you packed and eat all of the amazing food! Just remember to keep moving!


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