10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year

10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Breezing Through10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Breezing Through

10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Breezing Through 10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Breezing Through10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Breezing Through10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Breezing Through

10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Guava Family Lotus Crib


This thing is AMAZING! It is currently on sale, so you need to buy it NOW. I am not kidding. It is incredibly light. It is easy to check on and airplane and to travel with in general. I have used it for several trips, both road tripping and on air planes. I would recommend buying the sheet that you can buy from Guava, because you will need it. The mattress has little velcro pieces on it that keep the mattress attached to the bottom of the crib. So you need to have the correct sheet that has the spots for the velcro strips.


This can be kind of complicated to set up and take down. I love it because I use it all of the time, so I know how it works. But if you are sending your little one to someone else's house for a sleepover or for the day during nap time, they may not know how to use it. Some people have had some issues with setting it up and taking it down but there are instructions on the bed, so hopefully this isn't a game changer for you!


10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Uppa Baby Vista Stroller


If you ask me, everything about this stroller is a pro! I'm like 95% serious about this. You can read my full review of the stroller here, and I still stand by everything I said. We love this stroller. We also had the Mesa car seat, which was perfect for when Jackie was little. It made life so incredibly easy.


I do wish that Uppa Baby made a car seat that was bigger than the Mesa, that you could clip right into the stroller. Jackie has grown out of the Mesa and now is in a much bigger car seat, that she will be able to sit in until she is 30. But if there was an Uppa Baby car seat that I could use so I could take it out of the car and put it onto the Vista, just like the Mesa, I would have bought it in a heartbeat!


10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Tote Savvy Diaper Bag Insert


Do I say everything is a game changer? Well this is truly a game changer. I bought these on Black Friday when I was still pregnant. I got both sizes and I love them both. You can make any bag/purse a diaper bag or you can make your diaper bag more organized. I did a full review on them here. I love the insulated pocket for a bottle and it even comes with a changing pad! The entire thing can be wiped down and cleaned, which is the best part.


I honestly don't think there are any cons to this one!


10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Baby Backseat Mirror For Car


My sister in law sent us one of these as a baby gift. She said it was a necessity. I didn't believe her. A year later, I totally get it. I love being able to see Jackie in the rear view mirror and she loves being able to see herself. It is great for everyone!


It can fall. It gets bumped when you are putting the baby in the car or when you are putting stuff in the trunk. So I have to readjust it a lot. But that isn't a huge deal.


10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Similac Advanced Formula Pre measured Packets


You have pre measured formula with you at all times. You don't to have to have a container with a bunch of formula in it and then measure it out when you need it. I love having these so I can just give them to other people and they can feed Jackie without having to ask how much formula to measure out. One packet is 4 ozs of formula. So that math is easy! I can make these in the car, in church or in a restaurant. It's awesome.


They can be hard to open. I have had to get creative sometimes when I open them. After a full year, I am pretty good at it but I still struggle sometimes. I think they could put a notch in the packaging and it would make it so much easier!


10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Bumbo Multi Seat


This was a happy accident. I was trying to buy a regular Bumbo seat and this one had a tray on it. I thought I was being super smart and buying something no one else had. It turns out, I was buying the high chair Bumbo seat. Jackie used to sit in this on the counter and we have now moved it to one of the bar stools. It is currently strapped to the chair and will not move. Which is great. Like pretty much everything I buy, this seat will grow with Jackie.


I really wish the tray was a little bigger. I feel like Jackie doesn't have enough room to have food on her tray. So we don't really use it now that she is on the bar stool, I just put her food on the counter.


10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Sound Machine


I was adamant that Jackie didn't need a sound machine to sleep. I can sleep in silence, so can she. When we were living with my parents, my mom always had a fan on in Jackie's room when she was asleep. It was mostly so that Jackie couldn't hear everyone else in the house while she was sleeping. I didn't think we would need one when we went home. I don't know why I was so stubborn about this. We live in a small apartment. We need to be able to live our lives when Jackie is asleep. After a few nights of struggling to get Jackie to sleep, I caved and bought a sound machine. This one is on sale and works with battery and a AV plug. So it is great for travel.


The batteries do not last long. Because of Jackie's room set up, I decided to only use the batteries. I wanted to keep the sound machine up on a shelf, out of her reach. After 2 days, the batteries died. I do leave the sound machine on all night but I feel like the batteries should last longer than that. So it stays plugged in now.


10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Sophie la Girafe Teether


This is every baby's favorite teething toy. No one knows why, but it is. It squeaks, it flops, it is soft. I guess it checks all of the baby boxes!


They can get moldy, so DO NOT submerge them in water. If you do, buy a new one. Which is another con, they are expensive. But expensive things can be worth it, if they make your life easier!


10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Freshly Picked Moccasins


Everyone is right, these are the best baby shoes. They are soft, I am 90% sure they are comfy and they are hard for baby to take off. Jackie has only done it twice, both times she was REALLY bored and didn't have anything else to do so she made it happen. I would definitely say they are worth the money, just buy them on sale!


I did everything in my power not to buy these. I bought knock offs, I bought Old Navy and H&M moccasins. Nothing else compared. So I caved. The biggest con with these is how expensive they are. I am not huge on spending money on things that Jackie will just grow out of and I can't use over and over again.


10 Tried & True Products You Need for Baby's First Year | Hanna Andersson Pajamas


We have loved Hanna Andersson pjs since Jackie was a newborn. A friend got her a layette set and the fabric is SO SOFT! Sadly they only make those for up to 3 months old. But the bigger pjs are really cute and soft too. They also wear and wash really well so you should be able to use them for several kids.


Yet another expensive thing that baby is just going to grow out of quickly. But with this one, I feel like you can get gender neutral ones that you can use over and over again with other kids!


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