Why You Need A Website

Take Control of Your Content & Why You Need A Website | Breezing Through

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Why You Need A Website | Take Control Of Your Content

It's been awhile since I did a Small Business post and this is something I have been thinking about and talking to others about for awhile. I felt like it was a good time to break up all of the holiday and shopping content by sharing this post!

I have talked a lot in depth about why every small business needs social media and how to utilize the major platforms to promote your business. Social media can be a great way to build up your business and bring online awareness to your business without paying for ads.

However, there is a major problem with social media. YOU DON'T OWN IT. Contrary to popular belief, the images and posts that you put on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest are not yours. You sign a user agreement that says you have permission to post the images and content that you post and that they have the right to shut down your account at any time. So if you have built up a large following on a specific platform, you could lose it at any time. So how do you change this? How do you take control of your content so that you can decide what is on the internet?

Why You Need A Website | Create A Website

If you have a large following on 1-2 social media platforms but you don't have a website, CREATE A WEBSITE NOW! Honestly, if you don't have a website, you are doing yourself a disservice by not having one at this point.

When you create a website, you buy the domain. And you can post whatever you want to that website. So if you have a following on social media, you can direct them back to your website with every post. They can read/see more content from you and get to know you better. All of the images and links you post to social media can be posted on your website. While this may feel like redundant and a lot of extra work, I promise that this is worth it.

As I said before, when you post on social media, you have no guarantee that the posts with always be there. A new trend is for influencers on social media to have their accounts hacked. Usually these influencers have over 100k followers but under 1 million. They are big but not too big. And their accounts are hacked and held hostage. Many of these people don't have a website to fall back on or direct their followers to when this happens.

Why You Need A Website | What To Put On Your Website

So you may be wondering what you would put on this website. I touched on it a little bit but let's go into a little more detail.

  1. About Page. Keep this page updated with a recent image and a short bio about you and what kind of content will be found on your site.
  2. Links to social media. Have an obvious place where people can access all of your social media accounts. Usually a menu bar is the best place for this.
  3. Contact Page. Have a place where your followers/customers can get in touch with you. Even if it is just an email form or email address, you want to make contacting you easy.
  4. Blog Posts. For every post you put on social media, you should have a social media post for it. You want to make sure that there is another place for all of that content to be found in case you lose access to your social media accounts. This is why I do an Instagram Round Up post every month!
  5. Most Reference Links. If you talk about specific links in your social media posts a lot, you should have a page/post on your website where your followers/customers can access those links.

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