
After our connection through London, we landed in Warsaw on January 27 at 1:45 pm. I had arranged for a Black Lane (link to post here) driver to pick us up at 3 pm so we would have time to freshen up after our flight. I changed in the bathroom in the Warsaw airport, I wasn’t going to a meeting in the same clothes I traveled in!Warsaw | Breezing Through  Our driver was early, because they always are, and got us to our meeting early. We had a few minutes to get ourselves ready for our meeting and make sure we were actually awake. Our meeting was at 4 pm and we were back in our car at 5:15 pm. We headed straight back to the airport and got on another plane, which was delayed an hour.This time, we flew with Air France, which I don’t believe I have ever done. We were able to purchase an upgrade to business class. They served dinner on the flight. Smoked salmon, veggies with olive oil & lemon, cheese and pastries. Not wanting perfectly good French pastries to go to waste, I gave them to my dad. We landed in Paris at 11:15 pm.Warsaw | Breezing Through Warsaw | Breezing Through Warsaw | Breezing Through Warsaw | Breezing Through Come back on Monday to find out what we did in France and see the amazing pictures from Ancenis. Thanks for reading!Breezing Through Blog


Ancenis, France


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