That Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen

The Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen | Breezing ThroughThe Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen | Breezing ThroughThe Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen | Breezing ThroughThe Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen | Breezing Through 

That Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen | The Disappearing Act

On one of my many adventures, my wedding set was stolen. I was going swimming at the hotel and left my rings in a drawer in my room. I didn't think anything of leaving them there because people were always telling me how safe that specific city was. When we came back from swimming, my wedding set was gone but my other ring, one my parents had bought me as a high school graduation present, was still there. I always take the two rings off together and leave them in a place I can find them, together.

We tore the hotel room apart looking for my ring but found nothing. So we called the front desk of the hotel and they sent up their security team. They then went through my entire room and when the didn't find it either. The two security team members then called house keeping to come and clean up the room and look for my ring. Again, nothing.

While I had been swimming, someone had come into the room to fix the shower that had not been draining correctly. As no one else was in the room at the time, it was assumed that this person took my ring. I was really hesitant to place blame on someone when there was no physical proof.


That Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen | Renters Insurance Saved the Day

Right after I got married, I decided to purchase Renter's insurance. We were renting a basement apartment and my family kept telling me it was a good idea, just in case anything ever happened. I bought the $7 a month insurance from USAA (my favorite insurance company/bank) and thought I would never need to use it.

I called my husband to tell him I had lost the wedding set. We hadn't been married a year yet and I was devastated about the loss. He told me everything would be fine. I then called my grandparents hoping they could offer some insight. My grandmother told me about when she and my grandfather were newly weds and someone had broken into their apartment and stolen her wedding band and my grandfather's watch. She mentioned that while she felt violate by the invasion of their home, their Renter's insurance through USAA replaced all of their stolen items! I called my husband right back and asked him to look and see if our policy cover my jewelry, and it did! So he opened a case and was able to provide USAA with the original receipt for my wedding set along with a few pictures of it.


That Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen | Police Reports Over Seas

In order to complete the case with USAA, we needed a police report. My dad and I got into a cab with someone from the hotel and proceeded to go all over the city trying to report my stolen ring. Being in a strange country, we knew nothing about the police system or how to file a report like this. It took two days and my dad staying in a police station for nine hours, on Father's Day, to get a report filed and receive a case number. We were unable to get a full police report.

I sent a picture of the case number to USAA and they were able to determine that my claim was valid and within three days of opening the claim, USAA had the money to replace my ring in our bank account! I was then able to get the exact same wedding set within 2 weeks. You can read all about where I bought my ring and why I love it, here.


That Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen | What I Learned

I have learned several things from this experience:

1) USAA is amazing and if you are eligible (you have a parent or a grandparent who served in the military) you need to sign up for USAA! They are amazing as a bank and as an insurance company!

2) Never take anything you are emotional attached to with you when you travel. I have since purchased several $30 wedding sets and other cute rings to take with me whenever I am staying in a hotel. I don't have to worry about misplacing my real rings or worry about them getting stolen! If someone wants to take one of the fake ones, they are welcome to it!


That Time My Wedding Set Was Stolen | Shop Travel Rings

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