Ten Months With Jackie

Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Ten Months With Jackie | Breezing Through 

Ten Months With Jackie | Update

This has been a really big month! I know I say that every month but I think that with everything we have going on, this month has been a really big deal. Jackie started pulling herself up on stuff and trying to walk in December, before she even started trying to crawl. But this month, she finally started crawling, right before we left for my surgery. She gets into EVERYTHING and is incredibly curious. This month she also started letting go of things when she is standing up. Her record right now is about a minute. I am expecting her to walk any day now.

Jackie also got two more teeth this month, so that makes 6 now. Jackie loves eating whatever I am eating, and is really not picky about it. She loves veggies and fruit and bacon is a new found favorite.

Jackie has found a way to spend time with me while I am recovering. I sit in a chair in my parent's family room with two foot stools. Jackie comes over to me and will bring me toys and play with me. Her favorite thing to do is to play peek a boo with my blanket. It is honestly the cutest thing!

Jackie has always been a great sleeper but this month has been a bit rough for her. Between getting two more teeth and being in a different bed, she has had a lot of adjusting to do. Some nights are really good and some nights are very ok. Honestly though when she wakes up in the night, all she needs is her pacifier and she goes right back to sleep. But as you can see from the pictures, Jackie has been very cuddly this month. We are all enjoying that!

Jackie has discovered the small rocking chair at my parent's house and is obsessed with it. She is constantly wanting to sit in it and it just kills me. My baby girl is becoming a toddler and it makes me so sad! But I know that there are so many fun new stages that are coming and I can't wait for them!


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