5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier

5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through 5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Breezing Through

5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Get On The Plane First

When I talked to people about their best tips for flying with a baby, I received mixed reviews about getting on the plane first. When you are traveling with a child under 2 years old, you get priority boarding in the US. We decided that we were going to do this so we could get settled. This also allowed us to gate check the stroller without any anxiety.

This turned out to be the best move for Jackie. She loved looking out the windows and watching other people board the plane. It was nice to be able to get a bottle ready for her and get all of her toys out without having to worry about getting out of the isle.


5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Make Space For Them

This can be done in a variety of different ways. First, we checked every bag we didn't need. That meant we only had 3 bags total so we didn't have to worry about putting bags overhead or taking up more space.

We also decided to get Jackie her own seat. We flew across the country and I knew that Jackie was not going to want to be on my lap for 6 hours. She is a little heater and is very active. So we used points and got Jackie her own seat. Her car seat is FAA approved so it was easy to just buckle into her seat. She didn't want to be in her car seat the entire trip so we put her car seat on the floor and let her play on the seat between us. Jackie was probably the happiest when she was playing on the seat and playing.


5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Bring Their Favorite Things

I knew that if I wanted Jackie to nap at all during the flights, we needed her bunny, her blanket and her pacifier. If I really wanted her to sleep, I need her sleep sack. So I packed all of that. We also brought her favorite toys and books. While they didn't always help when she was fussy, having her favorite things is definitely what got her through the flights.


5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Pack Lots of Extra Outfits

I thought I had packed enough outfits when I packed 2 extras. But due to several different accidents, Jackie ended the last flight in a sweater and wrapped in blankets. I felt terrible! So when we flew home, I knew I needed to have even more outfits. I packed 4 extra outfits and a pair of pjs. Funny how things work, because Jackie didn't need a new outfit the entire trip home!

With needing extra outfits, comes somewhere to put the dirty outfits I take ziplock bags with me everywhere and I used those to keep the dirty outfits separate from everything else.


5 Tips to Make Flying With a Baby Easier | Take A Breath

I had a lot of anxiety about flying with Jackie. I had heard so many stories about how rude people could be about babies on planes. On our flight out west, Jackie wasn't great. She was grumpy and tired. But the people around us were so nice. Also, one of the flight attendants was pregnant so I spent a lot of time talking to her. Once I relaxed, I felt like the trip was a lot easier.

Our flights home, Jackie was a rock star. I think she was exhausted from traveling so she slept the majority of the way home.


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