Favorite Shops to Buy Sensory Kits
Product Review, ADD/Autism Emily Bylund Product Review, ADD/Autism Emily Bylund

Favorite Shops to Buy Sensory Kits

Sensory kits have so many benefits, even if your child doesn’t have sensory needs. They are great for speech and social development and are just fun in general!

We have been using sensory kits for several years now and love them. From water beads, sand, rice, to play dough, there are lots of different kinds of sensory kits out there that you can find to fit your child’s needs or interests.

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How to Make a Quick Sensory Kit
ADD/Autism, How To Emily Bylund ADD/Autism, How To Emily Bylund

How to Make a Quick Sensory Kit

I have talked for a long time about our love for sensory kits. If you don’t know, a sensory kit is a container normally filled with something like water beads, rice, or sand as well as small toys, pom-poms, etc. that provides kids with the opportunity to explore and learn through hands on play that engages their senses. These kits can be used in conjunction with different therapies (like the therapies Jackie participates in) because they encourage and support various types of development, but they are also great activities to have in your home to keep kids busy! I have a few places I like to buy themed sensory kits that we love, but also have found its pretty easy to throw together my own. I’m going to show you how with supplies you probably already have on hand!

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