Six Months With Jackie

Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through

Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through Six Months With Jackie | Breezing Through

Six Months With Jackie | Update

I can't believe we have had six months with Jackie! Where has the time gone? Half of a year has gone by and I don't know what we would do without her. Everyone says it but it is so true. I feel like she has been in our family forever.

This month as been interesting. Jackie has been teething, so nap time has been hard. She still sleeps like a champ at night, though. Sometimes she takes a little longer to go to bed at night, but once she is down, she sleeps through the night. Most days, she is only taking one good nap. Most of the time, she takes two very short naps.

Jackie has talking a lot this month. She loves to talk over people when they are talking, I think that is a family trait. Jackie giggles at everything, without being tickled. When she scrunches her little nose and giggles at something, it is probably the cutest thing ever.

Jackie has also started waving. I don't know if it is intentional or not but it happens. She has such a bright personality, everyone that meets her, loves her. I am not exaggerating. I recently mentioned to some people at church that Jackie was the happiest baby I had ever encountered. Apparently word got around and Jackie made a lot of new friends at church that day. Even when she is grumpy and tired, she has a smile for a new friend.

Jackie is sitting up on her own a lot more than she did last month. She has stopped flopping backwards when she is sitting. I think she is getting frustrated that she can't do all of the things that she wants to do.

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