Our 6 Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months

Our 6 Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Breezing Through

Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months

Six months in and I feel like we have a pretty good handle on what products we love and what products we don't love. I want to share with you our favorite products, and why we love them!

 Our 6 Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Breezing Through

Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Love to Dream Swaddle UP

I don't know what we would do without this sleep sack. Jackie stopped wanting to be swaddled at about 3 weeks old. After that, we tried the Wombie. She liked that for a few weeks. I decided that it would be good to have a back up sleep sack for just in case and ordered 3 other kinds. This one turned out to be the winner. Jackie slept like a champ once we started putting her in this. At one point, she grew out of the size she was in and I hadn't ordered the next size up. I had the next size up Wombie, so I decided that would be just fine and I put her in that. She stopped sleeping through the night, immediately. So I quickly bought the next size up in this sleep sack. As soon as Jackie was back in this, she was sleeping through the night again.

The size she is in now, has arms that zip off. That way when she starts consistently rolling over, I can take the arms off but she will still have the comfort of the sack. I think that the way this sleep sack allows her to access her arms is what keeps her asleep. I often get Jackie out of bed in the mornings and the sleeves are covered in drool.

 Our 6 Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Breezing Through Our 6 Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Breezing Through 

Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Bright Starts Sit and See Floor Mirror

I had zero intention of buying one of these. Until recently, Jackie has hated tummy time. Like, screams bloody murder and I feel like a terrible mother, hated tummy time. My guess is that it bother her belly button. I haven't talk about this year, I am not sure why, but Jackie has a herniated  belly button.  Why this isn't normal, it is also not uncommon. The doctors tell us that it will heal on it's own. If it doesn't, they will surgically fix it when she is 2 or 3. While it hasn't caused any kinds of problems, I really think that it was why she hated tummy time. Now that she has gotten older and it appears that her belly button is healing, she LOVES tummy time.

One day, she was staying with my aunt for a few hours. My aunt had one of these from when her girls were younger and used it with Jackie. It turns out that Jackie loved it. So I decided we needed one at home, so she would want to do tummy time. This was an AMAZING buy!

 Our 6 Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months 

Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Uppa Baby Vista Stroller & Mesa Car Seat

I know that I included this in my Favorite New Born Products post, but we still love it. We use both of these EVERY day. The stroller is easy to use and easy to fold up. The car seat works perfectly with the stroller. Jackie has gotten big enough that I have started to use the rumble seat. She likes being out of her car seat and recently figured out how to grab onto the bar.

Finding a stroller can be incredibly overwhelming, trust me, I did a lot of research. Personally, I think this stroller is worth every single penny, even though it is on the more expensive end. The basket carries a lot of stuff. I use it to bring groceries from the garage into our apartment and I have never had a problem. We have put several purses and shopping bags in it and it holds everything we need it to.

Next month, we will be traveling several times and will be taking the stroller with us. So I will be sure to update you on how it does when we travel!

 Our 6 Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Breezing Through

Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Guava Family Lotus Travel Crib

This is a new purchase, but I am thrilled with it. Up until recently, Jackie was happy to sleep in the Fisher Price Rock and Play. But she grew out of that and we needed something else for when she is staying at my Aunt's house and for traveling. We wanted to get Jackie something bigger for Christmas, but we wanted it to be practical. So we decided she needed a pack n play. We are going to start traveling with Jackie and I wanted to get something that was easy to take with us but was also big enough for her to grow into. I found so many pack n plays that were great for travel, but all the reviews talked about how small they were and that they weren't great for a growing baby. So I decided that needed to up my budget a little and look at the Lotus. Luckily for me, it was on sale.

This crib is amazing. I love how small it folds up and it is incredibly easy to set up. We love that the side unzips, because Jackie loves seeing what everyone is doing. It is on the more expensive end for a pack n play, but if you can get it on sale like I did, it is so worth it!

Our 6 Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Breezing Through

Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Bumbo Multi Seat

This was a happy accident. I bought this seat thinking I was buying the regular Bumbo seat. I thought I was being really smart getting the one that had a plastic frame. When it arrived, I realized Jackie wasn't able to use it yet as she wasn't sitting up. So it sat in our old apartment and I kept forgetting to do something with it. When we decided to move, I fell in love with our new counter tops. I realized that it was the perfect place to put the Bumbo seat so Jackie could sit with us during dinner, without having to buy a high chair.

There are rubber strips on the bottom of the seat, which keeps it from moving when it is sitting on something hard. The seat can also grow with your child. The Bumbo cushion can be removed when your child gets bigger. The seat can be strapped to a chair, making it a portable highchair/booster seat.

 Our 6 Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Breezing Through 

Favorite Baby Products at 6 Months | Bunny Soother Blanket

Conejo, as we call  this bunny, has been Jackie's favorite since she was 2 weeks old. She attached herself to this bunny and she can't fall asleep without it. She is very good about throwing it off of herself as she is almost asleep though. The piece advise I received the most was to buy multiples of Jackie's favorite toy and then rotate them to make sure they are all worn the same and smell the same. So I bought two more. One stays at home, one stays at my parent's house and the third stays in the car with her car seat. They all are washed every week so they maintain the same texture and smell.


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