One Year With Jackie

One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through One Year With Jackie | Breezing Through 

One Year With Jackie | Outfit Details

Jackie's Dress: Nordstrom // Jackie's Shoes: Freshly Picked // My Dress: Lularoe, Similar // My Jacket: Old Navy


One Year With Jackie | Update

How is my baby one!? This year has gone by at lightening speed. I can't believe how fast Jackie has grown up and what a fun little toddler she has become. She is walking & babbling & trying to get into EVERYTHING. She wants to be doing everything I am doing.

Jackie is a mover. We call it puttering. She putters everywhere. She likes to stay busy and gets into everything. I had to put a lock on the toilet seat because she thinks it's something she can play in. She loves to meet new people and go new places. We had to get her a bigger car seat because she grew out of the baby carrier. She seems to like the new seat much better than the old one!


One Year With Jackie | How Going Home Went

We moved back home last week from my parent's house, about 10 weeks post surgery. My mother in law came to stay with us for a week, which was amazing. She helped with the transition back home and since I wasn't ready to be picking Jackie up all of the time, she was here for that too. It was amazing to come home and be able to get us settled back in and do some spring cleaning. I'm no longer stressed about meals or laundry or what is in my closet. I have baby proofed everything so Jackie can't get into anything.

I was worried that Jackie would struggle coming back home. At my parent's house, she had several adults at her beck and call all of the time. She pretty much had reign of the entire house. The layout is different, her routine was different. I just didn't know what to expect. But honestly, she did AMAZING! Our first night home, she slept until 10 am. She continued that the rest of the week and is still doing it now.


One Year With Jackie | Motherhood

I now have a year of motherhood behind me. If I said it was easy, I would be lying. Most days I just want to scoop Jackie into my arms and keep her little forever. There is so much I want to protect her from but I know that isn't realistic. I know she has to grow up and face the world. But that doesn't mean I want her to. Jackie has made me more patient and understanding. I want her to be independent and figure things out on her own. I try my best not to do everything for her.

I have the best support I could ask for. The Husband is an amazing father and is an incredible co-parent. We do everything as a team. He is as involved as I am and always has been. Both of our parents are incredibly supportive and helpful. We live close to my parents so they help out with Jackie a lot. We also have a lot of family around that can help when we need it. My aunt watches Jackie once a week so I can get more work done. My grandparents helped out a lot during and after my surgery. Another aunt even flew out to help take care of Jackie when I was in North Carolina for my surgery.


Jackie's LadyBug Picnic 1st Birthday Party


How to Do It All