Nine Months With Jackie

 Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing ThroughNine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through Nine Months with Jackie | Breezing Through 

Nine Months with Jackie | Another Month of Firsts

How is it that we have reached nine months with Jackie!? She has officially been in this world longer than she was inside of me!

I feel like once your baby hits a certain age, everything gets really exciting. While we stayed home all of December, Jackie had a lot of new and exciting things going on. We celebrated her first Christmas, which she loved. Everyone told me she would like to wrapping paper and boxes the best so I went with simple, smaller presents. Turns out wrapping paper is boring. She loved all of her presents! One of them was a Little Tikes convertible bike. We take her out in it every day. It is her new favorite thing.

Jackie experienced her first snow this month. It was only a few inches but we get her all dressed up and took her out to explore. She loved watching the snow fall and was so curious!

We moved her from the cardboard Amazon box we have been using as a play pen to her actual Pack N Play. She has started pulling herself up onto things and when I found her trying to flip herself over the side of the box, I decided it was time for the box to go! Jackie can move around quiet a bit but really isn't into crawling. She is all about standing and walking. She actually thinks she can walk on her own and will try to push your hands away when trying to help balance her.

On Christmas Eve, Jackie cut two more teeth. After 4 months of having those adorable front bottom teeth, she has some more now. This time it was her top canines, so she looks like a little vampire. She has taken to grinding the top and bottom teeth together, which drives me crazy!

Jackie has also started eating more grown up food. Her favorite thing right now is to double fist french fries. It's hilarious! She is growing like crazy. Just when I thought we were set in 12-18 month clothes, she has hit another growth spurt and all of those clothes are getting too small!


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