New York: New York City

In February, the husband and I went up to New York City to visit some friends that are there for medical school. I have been going to New York since I was little but this is the first time my husband had been. It was really fun taking him all of the cool places and watching him experience New York for the first time.New York: New York City | Breezing ThroughNew York: New York City | Breezing Through New York: New York City | Breezing Through New York: New York City | Breezing Through New York: New York City | Breezing Through New York: New York City | Breezing ThroughI love all of the arcitecture in New York. All of the buildings are so cool and there is such a mix of buildings. It was really fun to have our friends take us around the city like locals. We ate at the best places and even found a gluten free bakery in The Village. New York: New York City | Breezing ThroughThe husband is a HUGE finance nerd so every time we are in a city where there is a Federal Reserve, we have to go see it (I will post more pictures of the other ones at a later date. We have been to two others!). So we went to the one in New York and had to get a picture!New York: New York City | Breezing ThroughThe husband is also in law school and this courthouse in New York City is one of the most important trial courts in the entire country (direct quote from the husband as I am sitting here writing this). He was really excited for this picture.New York: New York City | Breezing ThroughNew York: New York City | Breezing ThroughWe of course had to go to the World Trade Center memorial. Having grown up on the East Coast, 9/11 hit pretty hard. I grew up less than an hour away from the Pentagon, where my grandfather and dad both used to work. I went to school with people who lost loved ones that day and the horror from that day has stuck with me the last 13 years. My family went and visited Ground Zero a few months after the attacks in 2001.  Going to the memorial is always really powerful for me and it was the first time I actually went through and saw the memorial after it had been finished. I love this shot of One World Trade Center.New York: New York City | Breezing Through New York: New York City | Breezing Through Breezing Through Blog


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